Sunday, December 11, 2022

'Christian Nationalism': the Trump Brand of Fascism

It isn't necessary to subject yourself to all of this sickening Fascism, as the core of it gets unambiguously identified at 12:40 to be Christian Nationalism feeling their oats.  Because of Trump they've come out from under their rocks, or in Fuente's case out of his parents' basement.  

If you do have a strong enough stomach to watch the whole thing, it's utterly revolting throughout as well, although it doesn't much further emphasize the underlying Christian delusions from which white nationalism springs.  It isn't necessary to.

Louis Theroux: Forbidden America - Extreme and Online - Full Episode

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Elon Musk: Please Reconsider Pimping For Fascism

Elon's great at cars and rockets and should stick to them.  

 He could probably handle Twitter if that's all he had to do, but at the end of the day it's fucking boring compared to cars and rockets and even flamethrowers and The Boring Company.  But I get it, he's trying to make a point about freedom of speech with Twitter because he can, or rather he could and did.  But it's nowhere near over yet, and his problems have only begun.

His underlying problem looks to be that he's fallen under the influence of Fascist Trumpism as something that should be treated with dignity and respect, somewhat strange because after all Fascist Trumpism is all about having no dignity and no respect and wanting to force your will onto others, as January 6th was a perfect example of.  And just a couple days ago Trump was expressing his sick Fascist desire to suspend the Constitution.  These are not worthy values to be promoting under the mantle of 'free speech' because they seek to end that very freedom, but Elon doesn't seem to see that.  As if 'free speech' is a black or white thing to him and he's never heard that it's a crime to shout 'Fire' in a crowded theater.

It's probably been through association with the Right that Elon has become that way, which is probably normal and to be expected from anyone who's very wealthy, and not normally a completely bad thing either.  Tax cuts to the rich mean billions to Elon so of course he'll be on board with Republican tax policies and tend to be more receptive to their overall worldviews too.  But Trumpism has ruined and transformed the Republican Party into a truly crazy patchwork quilt of religious fanatics and white supremacists (there was already a lot of overlap between them anyway), corporate psychopaths, amoral narcissists and bullies of many stripes, and even a lot of well-meaning people lacking in critical thinking skills that simply believe the words of the Snake as Trump programs them into becoming his Qult members.  And it helps if they're a little bit racist and overlapping in any of the other mental illness categories above.  My perception is that Elon believes he means well but he's out of his depth and is being drawn into rightwing absurdities, although he's not fully committed yet.  Unless you consider $44 billion fully committed that is, spent in defense of a 'freedom' for Fascists who have the specific intention of taking that freedom away (they always do), and he's even providing them a platform to do so.  Oh well, easy come easy go, right Elon?  There are more billions where those came from!

Clearly Elon has been doing more than just a little toe-dipping into the Trump Qult brand of Fascism, for him to engage in such self-destructive behavior.  On the Batshit Scale of Trumpism I'd give him 3 turds, where the Green Margarine rates a full 10 on the scale.  He's still way more likely to spend much of his time around sane people than she is.

Elon if by any chance you read this, I hope you will consider *not* helping the enemies of America and it's Constitution destroy them, in the name of saving them.  Because what you are doing with Twitter intentionally or unintentionally, is helping expand the audience of Fascists.  Which is why a lot of people don't like you so much anymore.  Personally I'm sad to see you going that direction, but I think you still have a heart that means well and a will to do the right things, once you figure out that pimping for Fascism is not one of them.  

Working for Elon Musk: Ex-Employees Reveal His Management Strategy | WSJ