Sunday, February 19, 2023

Anti-Vax Death Qult Propaganda

Here's why:

Red flag #1 is any data from Florida, where the Fascist wannabee DeSantis has gone to some extreme steps to manipulate the state's Covid data for his own political purposes, such as to conceal the fact that some of his stupid policies have killed people.

Red flag #2 is that none of the data presented about Covid side effects are compared with how many people have been helped by the vaccines, which should be readily obtainable from Covid death rates among vaxxed and unvaxxed Floridians such as findings FROM OTHER STATES showing around 80% of all deaths occurring in UNVACCINATED people, assumed to be sheeplike Republicans swallowing Trump's Death Qult influence on his gullible followers.

Red flag #3 is this goober's insistence that Florida leads the way in reporting Covid data, when it has been the absolute worse. He doesn't know what he is talking about and is making crazy assertions counter to the facts.

Red flag #4 is the paper cited and linked to above starting with "Serious adverse events of special interest..." and for example says "Results: Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 10.1 and 15.1 per 10,000 vaccinated over placebo baselines of 17.6 and 42.2 ... respectively. Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 vaccinated..." which I understand to mean that the placebo, or unvaccinated rates of serious adverse effects happening spontaeously were 17.6 per ten thousand in the Pfizer study and 4.2. per 10,000 in the Moderna study, and in the vaccinated groups there were an extra 10.1 reported adverse effects out of 10,000 in the Pfizer study and 15.1 out of 10,000 in the Moderna study, averaging out to12.5 excess adverse events in both, per 10,000 people studied. That 12.5 excess adverse events is the bottom line here, out of every 10,000 people, which is far less than one percent, almost one tenth of one percent, as12.5 /10,000 = 0.12% of all people studied on average in these two studies had serious adverse effects that would have been likely due to their Covid vaccinations. That is tiny! Compare it to typical DEATH RATES from Covid ranging between about 1% to 2% of all those infected and you can see that your chances of DYING of Covid if you get it are almost ten to twenty times greater than suffering serious adverse effects from being vaccinated, which tells you YOU'D HAVE TO BE AN IDIOT to go unvaccinated! And it isn't only DEATH that Covid vaccinations can partially protect you from, but it decreases your liklihood of catching the virus in the first place, from the severity of the disease if you do get it, like complications involving organ failure for example, and from suffering Long Covid symptoms afterward. There simply is no two ways here about the smart choice being vaccination, and this goober talks about the relatively small risk of 12.5 serious adverse events out of 10,000 people vaccinated AS IF that's worse than the consequences from Covid itself! NOT VERY SMART.

There were more red flags and more could probably be found lurking behind the scenes in the cherry-picked data provided by Florida and whoever pays for deceptive Death Qult videos like this one, but this will do for now. If you're not vaccinated yet, you're a fool.