Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Big Lie About Nuclear Waste

It's a LIE, alright!

This video appears to have been bought and paid for by the corporate psychopaths of the nuclear power industry. SO MUCH is left out or glossed over or minimized, it can't only be a production by one ditzy chick who in her wide-eyed innocence somehow managed to overlook all the DOWNSIDES of nuclear power which FAR EXCEED any potential benefits. Like she DIDN'T EVEN MENTION THAT JIMMY CARTER WAS TRAINED AS A NUCLEAR ENGINEER IN THE NAVY AND KNEW BETTER THAN MOST WHAT NUCLEAR POWER IS REALLY ABOUT. And she FAILS TO MENTION that the means to achieve the recycling and reuse of waste that she PRETENDS is so simple and easy is called REPROCESSING, is one of the DIRTIEST PARTS OF THE NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE, and would have to be done CONTINUOUSLY IN MANY LOCATIONS ON INDUSTRIAL SCALES to enable the COMPLETELY IRRESPONSIBLE NUCLEAR PLAN she puts forth in this LYING VIDEO that is SO IRONICALLY TITLED! Every cycle through nuclear reprocessing involves dumping large quantities of radionuclides into the atmosphere for example as a way of dealing with the ones that cannot be contained, like Xenon-133, an inert but radioactive gas that is just too expensive to capture and contain in PRESSURE VESSELS until it decays away into harmlessness. She COMPLETELY FAILS TO MENTION that the REPROCESSING she fails to name is the pathway toward NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROLIFERATION, and she seems to lack ANY understanding that the ONLY reason nuclear power has had ANY commercial success is because THE CORPORATE PSYCHOPATHS OF THE NUCLEAR POWER INDUSTRIES HAVE SCAMMED THEIR WAY INTO NOT PAYING FOR ALL THE COSTS OF NUCLEAR, BUT INSTEAD HAVE PUSHED THEM OFF ONTO GOVERNMENTS AND ONTO FUTURE GENERATIONS SO THAT THEY CAN ENJOY THEIR FILTHY PROFITS IN THE SHORT TERM. We're talking about people who know FULL WELL the dangers of nuclear power and weapons but PLAY THEM DOWN and MINIMIZE THEM, even though they know FULL WELL it will be their children and grandchildren and descendants for MANY GENERATIONS who will have to pay the REAL COSTS of nuclear in terms of CANCERS, BIRTH DEFECTS, LIFE SHORTENING, and an EVER GROWING THREAT OF NUCLEAR WAR. It's PARTIALLY TRUE that recycling nuclear fuel would eliminate SOME Plutonium-239, but the GREATER TRUTH is that MUCH of it would be spread around into the environment like has ALREADY HAPPENED at filthy places like the Hanford plant in Washington state where there are MILLIONS OF TONS OF RADWASTE LEAKING INTO THE GROUNDWATER from tanks built as far back as the 1940's!