Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Lie That Because Democrats Once Upon A Time Favored Slavery, They're Still Racists Today

Is this dipshit SO dumb that he doesn't understand the once-upon-a-time racist Democrats of the 1800's and early 1900's have been ENTIRELY REPLACED by today's racist Republicans? That process was begun through Richard Nixon's "southern strategy" to appeal to racist Dems in the South in order to win their votes. And it worked. Not completely, but by appealing to white bigots he successfully began converting racist Democrats to Republicans, and the trend continued throughout the political landscape. Ronald The Criminal Reagan more or less perfected the process and brought ESSENTIALLY ALL racist Democrats into the Republican party. Which is where they are TODAY, the party that still defends and finds excuses for psychopathic white cops who murder black people like George Floyd and many others. The party of BIGOTS that's presently striving to oppress transgenders like they've long hated and tried to oppress homosexuals.

So LET'S BE CLEAR: it is TRUE that Democrats were once the 'conservatives' of their day and Republicans were the LIBERAL VANGUARDS who freed the slaves and fought against racial inequality. They were different people but their same kinds of mentalities exist today IN THE OPPOSITE PARTIES.

And by this character either being colossally stupid or LYING BY OMISSION, he puts forth a TWISTED STORY HAVING NO CORRESPONDENCE WITH REALITY.

Which these days, is what Republicans are all about in their lame attempts to alter the narratives of reality as they unfold:

Stolen election
Vaccines bad
Pussy-grabbing good
Immigrants hurt America
Trump is the Savior who'll Save America and Only He Can Fix It
It's okay for the government to control women's bodies
But it's better that the government keep gun nuts happy than stopping tens of thousands of gun deaths every year
It was Nancy Pelosi's fault that Trump fans rioted to try to overturn the election in his favor, yeah that really makes sense
Just like it really makes sense how suddenly Trump is best friends with Vladimir Putin and will do almost anything for him and they even have secret meetings
Not to mention the stolen nuclear documents and who knows what all yet
By the most blatantly obvious mob-boss-wannabee criminal that's ever occupied the Oval Office
And his hypnotized Qultists lick it all up like it was dog vomit and love him for it

They're all fucking crazy, of course.

But one of the most disgusting expressions of their craziness is when women and black and brown people become attracted to the Republican club of white misogynstic racists that WANTS TO HURT WOMEN AND BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE!

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