Saturday, June 8, 2024


Here's exactly WHY:

by Guest Author Lock Him Up!

Listen up, Magas: remember how the followers of Charles Manson got locked away for most of their lives? They didn't just commit the crimes themselves, but their participation made them just as responsible as Manson, the mastermind. The same goes for Trump’s insurrectionists on January 6th AND HIS INSURRECTION SYMPATHIZERS TODAY.

Here's the deal: under U.S. law, we don’t usually punish people for just wanting to support a criminal cult leader without direct involvement. But let's not forget, the Higher Power you claim to believe in judges you for your MOTIVES AND INTENTIONS. Some of the Ten Commandments are about thought crimes -- sins of desire and intention, like coveting your neighbor's wife or blasphemy. When Judgment Day comes, there won't be any courtroom tricks or stalling tactics to save you. Your pathetic Maga excuses won’t help you one bit when you face divine judgment.

JUDGMENT IS FAIR, and that’s the terrifying part. You don’t have to be a convicted sex offender to be judged as one if you support one. Supporting a monster like Trump means you inherit his sins, and none of his or your lies or alibis will save you from the consequences. Trump has been convicted of sexual assault and has bragged about it, so YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE. Over 20 women have accused him of rape and sexual assault, including a woman who was just a 13-year-old girl at one of Jeffrey Epstein’s parties when he raped her. You know Trump hung out with his longtime Pedo buddy Jeffrey Epstein, a notorious pedophile rapist, for years. By supporting Trump, you share his guilt and you will be judged for it.  No two ways about it,

It's not just his sex crimes. You'll answer for supporting his white supremacist racism, his betrayal of America to Vladimir Putin, stealing national secrets, and inciting an insurrection. These aren’t just technical legal issues you can hairsplit your way out of -- they’re severe moral crimes. The Bible might not list them, but that doesn’t make them any less treacherous. When you find out what your penalty is, it's not going to be pretty.

God’s judgment of you will also consider Trump’s other moral failings: cheating on each of his three spouses, having an affair with a porn worker, and lying about it. By supporting him, you are complicit in these moral crimes too. On Judgment Day, all of you who still support him will be held accountable for every single one of Trump’s crimes. NO EXCEPTIONS.

This is how final judgment works, Bubba. It’s fair. I don’t care if you believe me, but every Trump supporter DESERVES to go to Hell for knowingly supporting a monster who stands against everything Jesus taught. Keep supporting a criminal psychopath and you will find out just how terrible a mistake you’ve made.  All that stupid nonsense you've been fed by evil Maga preachers and clergy and Trump himself about being 'the Chosen one' or 'part of God's plan' is just bullshit and will buy you no mercy.

SO WHEN YOUR JUDGEMENT DAY COMES, MAGAS, DON’T SAY YOU WEREN’T WARNED. None of your typical denials or excuses will matter when God knows every thought and intention you ever had. You were supposed to be better than this with your God-given life on Earth, SHAME ON YOU AND CURSE YOU WITH GOD'S JUDGEMENT, MAY YOU ROT IN HELL FOR ETERNITY.