Sunday, May 17, 2020

STILL GOING ON! GOP Stunt To Smear Counter-Intel Expert Peter Strzok Ripe For Backfire |...

This important video from July 2018 is still highly relevant, as the GOPsychopaths are still trying to scapegoat these American heroes as if they somehow illegitimately investigated Trumps's ties to Moscow, which we now know were and are extensive!  So it's just another rightwing strategy to distract from the very real Russia-Trump relationship that threatens us all in ways we can't be fully aware of yet, but which can't be good.  It is well known that Vladimir Putin desires revenge upon the USA for its role in the breakup of the Soviet Union, and it is abundantly clear from Trump's submissive attitude toward Putin that Trump is his tool for achieving that revenge.

Relevant still shot:

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