Monday, June 8, 2020

Sen. Graham: FISA court rebuked the DOJ and FBI

OH YEAH GOOD TIMING let's make sure they actually do it before the election so as to remind everyone about all the connections to Vladimir Putin that Trump and so many of his flying monkeys have! 

However, this really looks more like the line of distractions that more or less began with Nune's 'release the memo' sham act and proceeded into the 'thousands of indictments' promises that had no substance either, aborted investigations et cetera up thru today, where here the Russian moles in Congress are still trying to destroy the good people who almost nailed Trump as a Russian asset.  Which he has demonstrated many times now that he is, and which Mueller's report documents a great deal of evidence that he is, despite rightwing denials and lies to the contrary.  It really couldn't be any more obvious, so what's REALLY funny about this video is how the flying monkey Lindsey Graham might actually think he's helping Trump, but the way he seemed to be practically sweating bullets about it suggests that if the whole Russian connection blows open sufficiently to unambiguously prove Trump's loyal servitude to Putin, Lindsey knows he's going down too!  Because he and Nunes and Moscow Mitch and that gay peodophile coach guy and a good number of bit players like Hannity and Pirro and Limbaugh and similar rightwing slimes working to influence public opinion in Moscow's favor, ALL OF THEM will come down like a line of dominoes as the Russian assets they have to be, to be continuing what they're doing. 

Consequently they aren't going to actually bring charges and they probably won't even have those promised testimonies before Congress because having their Russian connections questioned publicly would be the last thing they would want to do.  But they can tread the fine line of TALKING BIG about it like sweaty-palms Lindsey does in this video and that will keep the base distracted and mollified just as they have done for the last three years, with promises of bad things happening to the men and women charged with protecting us from Russian attacks.  Sometimes they throw in the hatred for Hillary and the bigotry they've cultivated for Obama for so long, but there's no reason to think that their scapegoating talk now is going to proceed to action any more than it has so far.  But if I'm wrong and they actually intend to push this forward?  In that case BRING IT ON LINDSEY!  BRING IT ON MITCH! BRING IT ON DEVIN! LET'S TALK ABOUT TRUMP AND RUSSIA! AND WHY YOU'RE HELPING THEM SO STRENUOUSLY TOO!

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