Monday, October 26, 2020

Ten Questions About Trump And Putin That No Trumper Can Answer

The biggest elephant in the living room regarding Trump of course, and which actually gets discussed a fair amount but nothing gets conclusively done about it, is Trump's relationship with Vladimir Putin.  Whatever it is, it can't be good for America because it hasn't resulted in anything tangible yet, not even a plan for action or cooperation between Russia and the USA.  If they were talking about mutual nuclear disarmament or something useful we would certainly have heard about it by now, but all we get from Trump is a Cone Of Silence on the topic. 

Trumpers of course never question anything which might throw cold water on their cult fandom.  Instead they buy every lie that Trump and his flying monkeys put out, so characteristically when confronted with Trump-Russia questions their knee-jerk response is to indignantly reply that it was all debunked, even Robert Mueller said so in his report.  Proving that they never actually read the report but instead they swallowed Barr's lying distortion about what Mr. Mueller's report said, hook line and sinker.  And they actually seem to think that's the end of the story.  

What they haven't processed is the damning evidence that does exist to implicate Trump and Putin are working together.  Not as equals though, Trump is clearly subservient to Putin.  People have speculated what Putin might have on Trump, like a pee tape or other recording, possibly something filmed at one of Jeffrey Epstein's parties, but nobody really knows.  What we do know is that one of Trump's more successful ventures was the Miss America pageant in Moscow, where he had to have met some number of post-Soviet oligarchs probably including Putin himself, though there is no hard evidence for that yet.  But somewhere, somehow, they became associates of some kind that it would be in Americans' best interests to know about.  Knowing as we do that Pentagon and Kremlin spy agencies are constantly spying upon and trying to infiltrate each other with 'moles' into important positions in government and society, it would make sense that the ultimate game winner would be to install one's own secret agent into the topmost leadership position, and through that mole perform all kinds of subversion and damage from the top down.  We would do it to them if we could, and Vladimir Putin would do it to us.  Also, Vladimir is reputed to have sworn revenge on the USA for our role in the collapse of the Soviet Union.  By a number of separate measures, it could be fairly argued that many of Trump's destructive actions upon America could be the actualization of Putin's revenge on us.  The racism and hate, the division and fear, more Americans dead from Covid than any other country in the world, NATO weakened and American allies estranged, international agreements broken and America's leadership position in the world functionally destroyed, all these things and more have almost certainly been celebrated with vodka toasts to Trump in the Kremlin.  To imagine otherwise would be extraordinarily naive or blinded by cult devotion.  Questions remain as to what extents Trump could be a willing accomplice or a manipulated tool, perhaps it's some combination of the two.  But there is no question something is going on between them that is probably treasonous on Trump's part.  When this is made unequivocally clear to a Trump Cultist, they cannot handle it and will typically respond with denials and namecalling, as rationally confronting and trying to provide a straight answer to certain questions will overload their denial mechanisms and bring them great anxiety. 

So these are the questions no Trump fan can provide coherent explanatory responses to.  Denials and whataboutisms and other distractions yes, but no straight answers consistent with one another.  In one or two instances Trump has established enough plausible deniability to give him the benefit of the doubt that his denials could be true, but since they occur in the context of the overall picture of his subservience to Putin, he's more likely guilty in those cases too.  Time will tell for sure, but in the meantime this is a list of questions that no Trump fan can or will provide straight answers to all of them, much less provide an acceptable rationale for Trump to be so consistently acting on Putin's behalf:

1) Can you explain why Trump would take Putin’s word over that of America’s intelligence agencies?

2) Can you explain why Trump needs to have secret meetings with Putin that nobody else can attend except translators, and the translator’s notes get taken away from them so that there is absolutely no paper trail?

3) Robert Mueller found MANY instances of Russian collusion with Trump’s team, and they are detailed in his report.  Can you think of any INNOCENT reason for all those Russian contacts with Trump’s team? 

4) Can you explain why ALL, not some but ALL of Trump’s team LIED about their Russian contacts on their National Security clearance applications?

5) Can you explain why Trump would essentially hand over both Crimea and Syria to Putin without so much as a whimper?  And totally abandon our allies the Kurds in Syria?

6) Can you explain why Trump has STILL SAID NOTHING TO PUTIN about the Russian bounties on America’s soldiers?

7) Can you explain why Trump would have Russians in the Oval Office on Inauguration Day, and the ONLY WAY we learned about it was from photos in the Russian media?

8) Can you explain why Trump divulged high level top secret national security secrets to Russians in the Oval Office?

9) Can you explain why Jared Kushner wanted to set up a PRIVATE LINE OF COMMUNICATION TO RUSSIA from the Russian embassy in Washington DC?  

10) Can you explain why Trump's flying monkey Michael Flynn was photographed SITTING NEXT TO PUTIN at a dinner in Russia?  

(click image to expand)



1) In response to ‘It’s Biden working with Russia’:

Can you name even ONE incident between Biden and Russia that comes ANYWHERE NEAR to ANY of the things on the list above to explain about Trump and Putin?  EVEN ONE?

2) In response to “They are trying to convince you trump is bad. Russia wants Biden not Trump”:

Why did Putin endorse Trump in 2016 then?  If they’ve had a falling out and they’re not friends anymore, WHY DO THEY STILL HAVE SECRET MEETINGS?

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