Wednesday, October 27, 2021

You Morons, It's a Death Cult

"How could someone who knows so much make such poor evaluations of what the facts mean?" ...was what I was thinking through most of this strange video. Dismissive of climate change, pro-nuclear, polar bears are doing just fine, everything's fake news or a hoax but he's got all the real answers, so forth. Only near the end do his words suddenly make a kind of sense when we learn that on the back of his book is some kind of praise from Trump, and that he was on Tucker Carlson's show about it. < /br>

No wonder everything he said was so backward!

So let's take a wild guess or two: the man probably thinks the election was stolen, secretly or maybe even openly admires the 'patriots' who attacked the Capitol and killed a police officer, has a ready excuse or denial mechanism for every one of Trump's crimes and moral atrocities, chances are good he's defiantly unvaccinated while considering himself a kind of hero for it and doesn't think much of wearing a mask in public either. His 'freedoms' are so much more important than whether other people live or die. We could go down the complete list of crazy rightwing extremist talking points and he'd hit seventy to eighty percent of them if not more. Just like similar mentalities making most of the adoring Comments below the original YouTube video.

It's the Qult again, destroying faith in reliable institutions and people, undermining the fabric of Western culture, all in the name of 'saving' it of course and backed up by religion. So much so that some Qultists even view Comrade Trumpsky as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Jared Kushner even went so far as to move the US embassy to Jerusalem to promote the idea of a coming Apocalypse to the 'base', praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.


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