Friday, December 31, 2021

Russell Brand's Death Qult Propaganda

Brand appears to be increasingly drawn into the Death Qult notion that pandemic relief is more about conspiratorial government control and subjugation of 'rights' than it is about halting the spread of disease and saving lives. It's as if he is totally oblivious to previous experience with epidemics and pandemics that have required similar protective measures of masking, social distancing, isolation, and vaccination to overcome, absolutely none of which have resulted in new norms of Fascistic government control or loss of human rights.

He's a comedian after all, and comedians are showmen who thrive on attention generated by the sensationalism they are able to gin up. Brand has lately been increasingly pandering to the paranoia and fears of the Right in this way, basically echoing the propaganda of rightwing extremists and Russian assets, propaganda designed to sow discord and bring harm to Western civilization. This is neither a new effort nor a unilateral one, as Russia and the West have worked continuously both overtly and covertly to undermine and degrade each others' societies since at least the early 1950's. The West made great progress in that effort with the breakup of the Soviet Union, but has apparently ignored or underestimated former KGB officer Vladimir Putin's retaliatory vow of revenge upon the West, revenge which from his present position as dictator for life of Russia he is almost uniquely capable of carrying out.

If Brand is aware of any of this, it certainly is not evident in this video or any other of his recent screeds against science and medicine working to end the Covid pandemic. It's possible that Brand is simply naive and clueless about the historical friction between East and West, oblivious to the thousands of nuclear warheads each side still today has targeted toward the other, but at least on surface appearances he seems too smart for that. So if he's not really as naive, clueless, and oblivious as he has been presenting himself to be lately, he must have some pretty strong reason(s) for failing to take Vladimir Putin's oath of revenge seriously and for completely failing to take it into account in his Death Qult videos. Instead, his videos are all about how outraged everyone should be at our Western governments and institutions for infringing on 'rights' and 'freedoms' made up on the spot and guaranteed nowhere (sometimes couched in Carlson-esque 'just asking questions' format), outrage that if and when acted upon would have and has had the practical effect of spreading disease and death throughout the Western world. And it would be difficult to imagine that Vladimir Putin is anything but pleased by Brand's efforts to enable his revenge.

Mister Brand, would you please explain your motives for this one-sided blindness of yours which actively threatens public health and furthers Putin's goals?

Thought The Pandemic Was BAD?! This Is What's NEXT!



Lest there be any doubts about very real Russian meddling, see this one section from a Senate Report on Russian Interference in the 2016 U.S. Election

There is of course much, much more that is known and even more that we don't even know about yet.  Perhaps the Trump Trials will uncover more. 

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