Thursday, January 20, 2022

George Nader, Trump's Russian Contact and Pedophile Friend, Worked With Erik Prince and Steve Bannon

This slimeball is now in prison


This character was apparently an important contact for Trump accomplices to meet with Russians, but it isn't like he was a True Believer in Trump's brand of Fascism, he was also convicted of improper campaign donations to Hillary Clinton's campaign to the tune of $3.5 million to try to buy her influence too.  

In this House intelligence report, it is revealed that Erik Prince, brother of Betsy DeVos and founder of mercenary murder company Blackwater, tried to conceal his association with Nader and Nader's contacts with Russians.  

INTERESTINGLY, Trump accomplice Steve Bannon was also apparently in the loop with Russian contacts on behalf of Trump's interests. Screenshot from the Intelligence report above detailing discrepancies in Erik Prince's testimony sufficient for submittal to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution:

Erik Prince is also credited with arranging Russian contacts with the Trump crime family: BLACKWATER BILLIONAIRE REPORTEDLY HELD A SECRET MEETING TO CONNECT TRUMP WITH PUTIN

Prince also used at least one or possibly more Russian-born women as 'honey pot' traps to learn who was truly loyal to Trump and who was not: Daily Mail 13 May 2021

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Trump's SILENCE during the January 6th insurrection PROVES he was okay with the violence and WANTED it to continue!


Trump's OWN BEHAVIORS on January 6th PROVE that he was FULLY SUPPORTIVE of the insurrectionists attacking the Capitol that day!

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Covid Politicization: Trump Fans Don't Even Realize They're In a Death Qult!

Ryan Grim: The New Fauci Emails Are Even More Damning Than You Think

This video points out an important part of the story of Trump's Death Qult tactics.  

First, unless somebody confesses and provides some kind of evidence, it is extremely unlikely that Covid could be tracked back to a lab EVEN IF it originated in one. That's because coronaviruses are known to mutate at high rates, they can pass through different species, and every new animal infected provides millions or billions or possibly even trillions of new opportunities for mutations to occur as the virus reproduces itself. Consequently there is no reason that Covid could only have been a lab creation, and the mechanics of the process in nature have been known for a sufficiently long time that new virus strains not only pop up all the time, but they are expected to and for years now, epidemiologists have been doing their best to prepare for them. With limited success as we all can see, but that's often the nature of science and we certainly wouldn't want them NOT trying to get on top of the problem by NOT learning all they can about them through research. And the enablement of collaboration between Chinese and American researchers in Wuhan is an incredibly huge and important accomplishment toward public health that affects both countries.

It's common for agenda-driven rightwing media like this one to comment on the shame of Covid becoming politicized, and while they're clutching their pearls over it they typically neglect to mention they are also the principal cause of politicizing it. Although they're complicit in their deceptions it's not the talking heads we see that are most at fault, their job is simply parroting the rightwing talking points they're told to by their bosses, and for whatever reasons they all trace back to Trump WANTING the virus to be perceived as created in a Chinese lab.

The central simpleminded ideas seem to be that if the virus was created in a Chinese lab, well then we have even more reason for our two countries to be hostile to one another as Trump repeatedly pressed for with his tariff wars that he knew full well Americans would ultimately be the ones paying for, and as he pressed for hostilities by his bullying mannerisms directed at Chinese leadership, AS IF they didn't know they were only dealing with Cadet Bone Spurs. Secondly, if the virus was created in a Chinese lab, that should take the blame off Trump somehow for his incompetence in bungling the initial response to it, right? All he needed to thrill his racist 'base' was to start blaming the Chinks for this problem he bungled, and he incited their hatred toward his other enemies using politicization schtick with his conspiracy theorizing about the coronavirus being a 'Democrat hoax' and trying to minimize it by saying it would just go away and then it was 'just the flu' one thing after another ad nauseum even though we now know full well that Trump was informed very early on of the deadliness of Covid and was simply lying about it like he usually does about everything else too. No surprise there.

So we have this Covid problem turned into a political problem by Trump that's gotten so crazy that last I heard, there are FIVE Republicans dying of Covid for every ONE Democrat because Trump has got them so distracted and successfully manipulated that many or most of them refuse the vaccines that would save them and fight against mask wearing and sometimes social distancing too, keeping the pandemic burning hotly in America's red heartland and they're too dumb to even notice they've all become bona fide members of Trump's Death Qult. Some of us don't want to point this out lest Republicans stop exterminating themselves and we wouldn't want that, but the spread of the virus kills Dems and other innocents too, and we don't want to see them go.

The FUNNY thing about it is that one of their fav paranoid conspiracy theories has to do with Bill Gates apparently wanting do 'depopulate' the world according to some writing carved in stone in Georgia, but not only are they blind to Bill spending millions and billions of his wealth on relief for the poor around the world so that they CAN live, they can't even see that their own Mango Menace and his Congressional sycophants and other flying monkeys like THIS 'news' channel have got them all in a Death Qult that's killing them off at FIVE TIMES the rate of Democrats! Is that FUNNY OR WHAT?

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Let's talk about whether it was really a coup attempt....

This is a very well done video Beau, but you're far too kind and restrained by failing to point out that for Trumpers their rejection of the word 'coup' is nothing more than a Qult denial mechanism to shift blame away from Trump. You've probably noticed how many of them are still claiming it was 'Antifa' or the FBI that were the actual instigators of the violence, right? Just another denial mechanism for the same purpose. Reasonable people can quibble about the exact definition of 'coup' as you outline very well here, but Trumpers are not reasonable people, they are Fascist authoritarian bootlickers craving to be led by what they consider a powerful strongman (although how they manage to consider the fatass Trump with his effeminate dyed combover hairdo, his narcissistic neediness, his bone spurs cowardice, as some kind of 'strongman' is another question entirely) who will do their thinking for them and hurt all the people they've been conditioned to hate. It's a form of mass racist insanity we're up against, not philosophical hairsplitting over word definitions.