Thursday, January 20, 2022

George Nader, Trump's Russian Contact and Pedophile Friend, Worked With Erik Prince and Steve Bannon

This slimeball is now in prison


This character was apparently an important contact for Trump accomplices to meet with Russians, but it isn't like he was a True Believer in Trump's brand of Fascism, he was also convicted of improper campaign donations to Hillary Clinton's campaign to the tune of $3.5 million to try to buy her influence too.  

In this House intelligence report, it is revealed that Erik Prince, brother of Betsy DeVos and founder of mercenary murder company Blackwater, tried to conceal his association with Nader and Nader's contacts with Russians.  

INTERESTINGLY, Trump accomplice Steve Bannon was also apparently in the loop with Russian contacts on behalf of Trump's interests. Screenshot from the Intelligence report above detailing discrepancies in Erik Prince's testimony sufficient for submittal to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution:

Erik Prince is also credited with arranging Russian contacts with the Trump crime family: BLACKWATER BILLIONAIRE REPORTEDLY HELD A SECRET MEETING TO CONNECT TRUMP WITH PUTIN

Prince also used at least one or possibly more Russian-born women as 'honey pot' traps to learn who was truly loyal to Trump and who was not: Daily Mail 13 May 2021

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