Monday, August 15, 2022

Fascist Child Abuse

 Mike Huckabee 'Kids Guide To Trump' Commercial

Any parent or other adult that would expose a kid to Fascist propaganda like this should be charged and imprisoned for child abuse, 5 years minimum.


 Update 8.22.2022

Of course there are rightwing deflection attempts: 



 @victor seger  nobody teaches Critical Race Theory to kids, it's a subject for graduate study in some colleges, maybe there are a few undergrads studying it here and there too.  It's been blown out of proportion into a rightwing culture war to distract you from more important things like coup attempts on our nation, stolen election and fake elector lying fabrications attempting to be used to ACTUALLY steal the presidential election, death threats and actual violence perpetrated on law enforcement, lately stolen nuclear secrets that nobody knows yet WHO Trump sold them to, among MANY OTHER HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS that are FAR MORE IMPORTANT than a manufactured problem about children learning too much about their culture's history that somehow you have been emotionally manipulated into thinking is important.  It's not.  It's so trivial it only exists in the imaginations of gullible fools, for the propagandists who feed you that bullshit are fully aware it's no real threat to children.  They just want to manipulate you into believing it is, and they have apparently succeeded.

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