Sunday, January 15, 2023

How much of this lying Christo-Fascist bullshit can you take?

The Lying Faces of So-Called "Christians"

Ya gotta wonder, do Huckelberry and Kari Lake actually believe their delusions? Or are they fully aware they are lying? Or maybe it's somewhere in between, like their religion operates, where they don't really know so they imagine what they'd like to believe is just as valid as anybody else's story? It all certainly fits a pattern where Trump worked to weaken and destroy America's confidence in it's values and institutions (even going so far as to say the Constitution should be 'terminated'!) to the point where election denial is now commonplace among his Christo-Fascist domestic terrorist wannabees and sympathizers. And it turns out the unwashed slimebag Steve Bannon has spread Trump's brand of Fascism around the world with similar effects, like the rise of the Klan after the Civil War. Kari Lake is just one Fascist opportunist hoping that Trump's losing strategy of election denial, even despite knowing how damaging it is to our country and around the world, might work for her. Wouldn't it be wonderful if her evil religion which has trained her to play "let's pretend" in these ways, was actually real and she would really be judged on her 'christian' sincerity come Judgement Day? Like the blithering fool before Lake came on and babbled about his sick Rapture movie? She'd be one of the 'LEFT BEHINDS'! (isn't that a cute 'christian' way to thinly disguise your hatred?). But of course that Jesus babblecrap isn't real so it won't be the kind of Judgement she's probably expecting where she gets to skate out of being responsible for her sins by 'believing' in Jesus yada yada, she will instead suffer the humiliation of all of us knowing that SHE KNEW she was spreading lying bullshit in this video. As well as before and after her LOSING campaign in Arizona which clearly showed that Arizonans are fucking sick and tired of Trump's election lies and don't want a lying Godforsaken Trump mimic leading their state. GOOD ON ARIZONANS, YOU'RE WAY SMARTER THAN THE AVERAGE TRUMP HUMPERS!

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