Monday, March 27, 2023


Chilling deepfakes claiming to show Trump being arrested flood Twitter

Though I suspect we won't see such great pictures when it does happen, we can be pretty sure that the plate-tossing drama queen won't break character when it does, and it's hilarious that these images present such entirely plausible scenarios.  It's going to be really interesting and hopefully fun and not tragic to see what really happens.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Trump Is Already Riling Up His Fans For Violence and He Hasn't Even Been Arrested Yet as of 3.19.2023

It's hard to imagine there's anyone who thinks he'll take his punishment like a man, but instead a whiny narcissistic drama queen pretending for his Qult followers' sake to behave like a gangster. 'Cause Fascist bootlickers gotta feel there's a 'strong man' Mussolini-Hitler style in those boots they crave to lick. Authoritarianism's a turn-on for them, probably largely homoerotic too, judging by all their PROJECTION about how much they hate LGBTQs etc. Every word he says from now on is going to be intended to rile them up into as much large scale violence he can provoke.

Former President Donald Trump says he expects to be arrested

Monday, March 13, 2023

The Elephant in the Living Room about the Covid 'Lab Leak' theory

The elephant in the living room that neither side seems to notice is that the purpose of the lab leak narrative from a rightwing perspective is that blaming China shifts attention away from Trump's irresponsible handling of the virus that led to well over a million American deaths, and it's not over yet. The hoax virus is really all China's fault, you see, in Trump World.

What they seem oblivious to is that it doesn't matter if the virus came from a lab, Trump still bungled his responses to it almost as if he was deliberately trying to get people killed, as if he's not only head of a Qult but a Death Qult to boot. I remember there were studies showing that 80% of Covid fatalities were occurring among Republicans, which would support that whole Death Qult idea.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

They Even Call Themselves 'Christians'

This video stimulated the Comments below:

Don Jr’s girlfriend suffers the ULTIMATE humiliation on stage

Comment by

18 hours ago

Hearing Large Marge talk about the other side being bullies literally made me laugh and she says she doesn't want our children dying in Ukraine but Marge is fine with them dying in their home country at school, church, etc. I'm so F'ING sick of the lies & hypocrisy of the right. I just don't understand the individuals that vote for them. Ugh!!!


They're hard to figure out, aren't they? I have a firm conviction that many of them that call themselves 'christians' are okay with lying because they imagine they are 'saved from their sins' by their cosmic codependent Lord And Savior as their religion teaches them to be, so they can cheerfully keep on sinning in all the lying hypocritical ways that they do. Like how "Pro-lifers" often push for the death penalty for women who have abortions and their doctors, too. And the Second Amendment is more important to them than any number of brutally destroyed children's lives and other real people, not partially developed potential ones in the womb. It's a kind of insanity where they can't even tell they are advocating for the very things they profess to hate. It's got to be their religion that trains them to hold such logically contradictory things in their heads and be not only be blind to those contradictions, but remain so after they've been explained to them!