Monday, March 13, 2023

The Elephant in the Living Room about the Covid 'Lab Leak' theory

The elephant in the living room that neither side seems to notice is that the purpose of the lab leak narrative from a rightwing perspective is that blaming China shifts attention away from Trump's irresponsible handling of the virus that led to well over a million American deaths, and it's not over yet. The hoax virus is really all China's fault, you see, in Trump World.

What they seem oblivious to is that it doesn't matter if the virus came from a lab, Trump still bungled his responses to it almost as if he was deliberately trying to get people killed, as if he's not only head of a Qult but a Death Qult to boot. I remember there were studies showing that 80% of Covid fatalities were occurring among Republicans, which would support that whole Death Qult idea.

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