Sunday, March 24, 2024

What Happens to Magas On Their Judgement Day

By guest blogger Lock Him Up!

 Check out this video of a Maga guy cheering on Trump's moral atrocities!  

 And below the video, see what it means!

She left out the parts where Trump says he'll make himself a dictator and suspend the Constitution, but I'm gonna guess she actually did mention those in the original video this was taken from, and the lying deceptive POS who made this video edited out those parts as too much 'truth' for even Magas to think about very long or hard. As if that would be possible anyway. But they've all heard Trump say those things anyway and their denial mechanisms aren't going to keep them from being responsible for being okay with it.

Here's how it works, Magas: some of you might be old enough to remember how all the members of Charlie Manson's crime family who assisted him in carrying out his crimes were sentenced to very long prison terms, much as some of Trump's Jan 6th insurrectionists have been. Because THEIR PARTICIPATION MADE THEMSELVES RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE CRIMES even though their Dear Leader was the criminal mastermind who incited them to violence -- in both the Manson and Trump cases.

It's not quite a perfect analogy because the vagaries of U.S. law don't usually allow for punishing people for their simple DESIRES AND INTENTIONS to help support a criminal cult leader, in the absence of any further direct or indirect participation by them in his crimes. It's a close enough analogy though when you remember that the Higher Power most of you yokels claim you 'believe in' DOES punish you for your BAD INTENTIONS toward others and even toward YOURSELF in your own 'spiritual' development. For example just remember how some of those Ten Commandments are PRIMARILY THOUGHT CRIMES, violations of which are MORTAL SINS YOU WILL BE JUDGED ON, like desiring to fuck your neighbor's wife, or 'taking the Lord God's name in vain' by saying you are a Christian but not living or acting like Jesus would want you to act. When your time comes for Judgement you won't find yourself in a courtroom hoping to successfully flimflam a judge and jury like Trump as of 3.24.2024 is doing, and Trumpian stalling tactics won't help you either. YOUR ALIBIS AND EXCUSES AND DENIALS that might have worked just fine in life WILL NOT HELP YOU IN THE LEAST WHEN YOU ARE CALLED TO JUDGEMENT, capisce?


What does this mean? It means that you don''t have to actually be a formally convicted sex offender if you DESIRE to be one, or if you SUPPORT ONE. That's right, IF YOU SUPPORT A PSYCHOPATHIC MONSTER, HIS SINS BECOME YOUR SINS, AND YOU WILL BE JUDGED ON THAT FAIRLY AND APPROPRIATELY. As well as pretty fucking harshly, BECAUSE YOU KNEW BETTER. YOU KNOW that Trump's been convicted of sexual assault, and YOU KNOW that he BRAGGED ABOUT SEXUALLY ASSAULTING WOMEN, so YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE. And that's not even including the other 20+ women who've come forth with allegations of rape and other types of sexual assault, including one woman who filed a court complaint that Trump RAPED HER WHEN SHE WAS ONLY 13 YEARS OLD at one of Jeffrey Epstein's parties. And that's ANOTHER THING THAT YOU KNOW -- that Trump hung out with a NOTORIOUS PEDOPHILE RAPIST for YEARS. So when you make the moral mistake of supporting this CRIMINAL SEX OFFENDER, his crimes become YOUR CRIMES to answer for at Judgement! NO YOU ARE NOT SPARED JUST BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T ACTUALLY COMMIT TRUMP'S SEX CRIMES YOURSELF, YOU ARE FUCKING GUILTY OF THOSE CRIMES BY HAVING SUPPORTED THE PSYCHOPATHIC MONSTER WHO COMMITTED THEM. Again, your habitual excuses and alibis and attempts at legal hairsplitting will NOT save you during your own Judgement when you are GUILTY IN THE EYES OF GOD of helping to enable Trump in committing crimes and avoiding prosecution for them BY SUPPORTING HIM. THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE FOR YOU MAGAS, EACH AND EVERY OKAY-WITH-TRUMP'S-CRIMES ONE OF YOU.

It isn't just his sex crimes you will be taking on the responsibility for at your Judgement, of course, but ALL OF HIS OTHER ONES TOO. Like his NOXIOUS WHITE SUPREMACIST RACISM which you are often caught trying to help in covering up and even inventing excuses for the psychopathic monster. It will be YOU answering at YOUR JUDGEMENT as to why you helped to FOSTER and CONCEAL what YOU FUCKING KNEW FULL WELL TO BE TRUE OF THE MONSTER YOU SUPPORTED.

How much does God care about the MORAL CRIME of selling out your OWN FUCKING COUNTRY to a PSYCHOPATHIC MONSTER acting on behalf of America's greatest enemy, Vladimir Putin? Don't forget, your ASININE LYING DENIALS aren't going to save you on Judgement Day from the REALITIES you participated in and helped to foster! How much does God care about the MORAL CRIME of stealing your country's nuclear secrets and other national security information? Or the MORAL CRIME of INCITING AN INSURRECTION against your OWN FUCKING COUNTRY? Those crimes aren't specifically covered in the Ten Commandments or the Bible, BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE SUCH TREACHERY OKAY, either. I can't tell you what your penalties will be because I don't know, but I can very definitely tell you THAT YOU WILL FIND OUT, and it isn't likely to be pretty. The same will be true of Trump's OTHER crimes and atrocities. Does God send people to Hell for CHEATING ON EACH OF THEIR THREE SPOUSES and LYING ABOUT IT? Or HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH A PORN STAR WHILE MARRIED and LYING ABOUT IT? You KNOW FULL WELL Trump is guilty of THOSE MORAL CRIMES TOO, and therefore by continuing to support him YOU ARE JUST AS GUILTY AS HE IS. So you WILL FIND OUT HOW MUCH OF A TERRIBLE MISTAKE YOU MADE when YOU TOO are held responsible for EACH AND EVERY ONE OF TRUMP'S CRIMES at your Judgement.

THAT's the way the final Judgement of the value of your life works, Bubba. Because THAT JUDGEMENT WILL BE FAIR. I don't care if you believe me, I think every Trump supporter DESERVES to go to Hell anyway for KNOWINGLY supporting a psychopathic monster WHO STANDS AGAINST EVERY SINGLE VALUE JESUS CHRIST TRIED TO TEACH YOU TO STICK WITH! So go ahead, keep fucking around in your misplaced support of a CRIMINAL PSYCHOPATH and YOU WILL FIND OUT.

DON'T SAY YOU WEREN'T WARNED, either. Because none of your typical Maga denials or excuses are gonna work when GOD KNOWS EVERY THOUGHT AND INTENTION YOU EVER HAD IN YOUR WHOLE LIFE, and JUDGES you on the MOTIVES you thought and expressed during your brief time on Earth, where you were supposed to be BETTER than a psychopathic monster.

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