Thursday, November 28, 2019

What Happens When Cadet Bone Spurs Becomes Commander In Chief

Not only is Trump incompetent, he is so incompetent that he's not even aware he's incompetent.  Either that or he knows full well the damage he does, and it's deliberate.

It's come down to this: generals have been resigning rather than allowing Trump to compromise their sacred oaths of integrity and honor in the service of their country.  Now even the Secretary of the Navy, Richard Spencer, has had to bail.

Putin's plan to degrade the USA's military from within is succeeding.

Captain Spencer quoted on the PBS NewsHour

Full video

Friday, November 22, 2019


It's time to impeach Putin's Puppet and enjoy the show while doing so.  PASS THE POPCORN!

And visit our page on Facebook!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Facebook Censorship Is Getting Seriously Fascist

This is what happens when rightwingers like Breitbart become 'fact checkers' for Facebook!

On 11.4.19 I went to Share this meme on Facebook
Image may contain: 2 people, text

This is what Facebook did with it!  They greyed it out and superimposed a 'False Information' notice on top of it!

Then when you click on the 'See Why' button, this garbage results!

If this is what we're going to see from Facebook going into the 2020 election, I think there will be some SERIOUS REPERCUSSIONS.  At least I hope so!  

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

2020 election meddling is IN PROGRESS

IMPORTANT VIDEO: 2020 election meddling is ALREADY IN PROGRESS with the help of Facebook's Zuckerberg, and yes the Russians are doing it again too.  The big change from 2016 is that election manipulations are now being done by the incumbent Trump with the assistance of the Department Of Justice he corrupted with William Barr, and other sycophantic toadies in the Federal Government.  Rachel describes how events look like they will unfold in 2020 based on what's already going on and likely to happen next.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How To Watch a Nuclear Explosion

It's certainly been done before!

"Believe it or not, these five volunteers were standing at ground zero when a 2KT nuclear war headed air-to-air missile, Genie, was exploded 15,000 feet above their heads, to demonstrate that the weapon was safe for use over populated areas. Whether this affected the health of the officers is unknown."

watching-nuclear-explosion (5)

Lots more pictures at

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Multiverses, or Many Worlds Theory

AKA the 'Oxford interpretation' of quantum mechanics!

starts at 12:38

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Wilbur Ross and Mark Zuckerberg are closely tied to Russian money!

Wilbur Ross, Trump's Secretary of Commerce, was extensively involved in Russian money laundering operations.

This is from November 2017, almost two years ago (as of 9.12.19) and the lid on this has been kept pretty tightly sealed.  What's the holdup, I wonder?

Facebook's Zuckerberg and Russian money!

Who knew?  WHY aren't they still talking about this EITHER? This is from November 2017!

Rachel Maddow explains below a lot of the history and background of Russian money laundering beautifully, as she usually does. 

From February 2017.


Friday, August 23, 2019

The Collapse of the American Empire?

Chris Hedges is brilliant and his analyses are spot on, this video is well worth watching and I am going to read his book America, the Farewell Tour.  He sees Trump as more of a symptom than the root of the problem, which boils down to corporate psychopaths having control of almost all the levers of political power in order to abuse that power to their benefit and against the interests of Americans and the rest of the world.  Hedges offers solutions but is not very optimistic they'll come about, hence the ominous title of his book.  The bottom line is, unless things change quite drastically, we're all fucked. 

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Trump's War On Science

We've seen Trump and his cohorts disparage science plenty of times in favor of those who despoil the planet for their momentary profit, and it's important to know just how malignantly he is doing so.  Here is one researcher's take on it:

I am an Arctic researcher. Donald Trump is deleting my citations

She says:

"The consequences of vanishing citations, however, pose a far more serious consequence than website updates. Each defunct page is an effort by the Trump administration to deliberately undermine our ability to make good policy decisions by limiting access to scientific evidence."

Dr. Hermann is being very self-restrained, as Trump's kind of anti-science thinking has the potential to bring out about human extinction.  It's not only Trump of course but the rightwing in general who swallow and then help to perpetrate industry propaganda, the ultimate stupidest of course being the religious ones.

My Moon Rocks Story

I used to work in Building 37 which is almost next door to this moon rock facility at the NASA Johnson Space Center. Today Building 37 is used for biomedical research, but it was the original quarantine building for the returning Apollo astronauts, the moon rocks, and their return capsules. Just in case there were moon bugs, nobody knew then and they were playing it safe. The astronauts actually stayed in a modified Airstream trailer just outside the building while the return capsule and moon rocks were processed indoors inside a giant vacuum chamber. I think the chamber had about a 30 foot ceiling, was maybe 30 feet wide and 100 feet long, more or less, to give an idea of the scale, those are by no means exact numbers. The vacuum held any potential contaminants inside and helped to prevent any contamination of the returned samples. There was quite extensive processing done there, most of which is probably lost to history; for example the return capsule was filthy with moon dust and I don't know what they did with that, but it's probably being curated as shown in this video with the rest of the moon rocks. Which is where everything got moved after processing in Building 37. After Apollo ended and Building 37 was repurposed, the vacuum chamber was converted into lab space for the Cardiovascular Laboratory of NASA's Space Biomedical Research Institute, which is where I did my postdoc work on cardiovascular countermeasures to the headward fluid shifts astronauts experience in microgravity, and why I know a little bit about this step in the processing of the moon rocks before they got to where they are today.

One day I got to take a tour of the moon rock facility shown in this video, bunny suit and all, with a small group of maybe a dozen people. We didn't get quite the VIP treatment these guys did with getting their hands into the box gloves, but it was close. We were briefed very professionally about the history and purposes of the facility, and were shown around the area of the glove boxes and cutting enclosure. We did not go into the Vault though, it was closed tight. When our guide ended her talk we were invited to look around on our own, and I chose to examine the interiors of some of the glove boxes very closely. I was astounded to see in one of them, a hair. Just a short piece maybe 2 or 3 inches long. To be fair it might have come from a cleaning brush or some kind of other tool like that deliberately introduced into the box, although it was not straight but somewhat curly so I don't think so. When I pointed out the hair to our guide she became quite embarrassed and flustered about it, and turned our attention elsewhere. I think she might have headed the place at the time (1990), but I'm not sure about that. It was one of the more amusing experiences during my time there :-)

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Ebay Scammer Sinotech2016

I bought 5 of these cameras from Ebay seller sinotech2016.  
This image is Ebay's capture of the original item on sale. 

This is the package I received from him:

This is what he shipped!  5 power supplies!

So I bought 5 cameras and the seller shipped me 5 plug-in power supplies which I thought might be followed up by 5 cameras, but they weren't.  Seller then refused to ship me the cameras though, first telling me he doesn't sell them and the listing was an accidental copy from another seller's listing, then when I provided him with the URL to another listing where he is selling the exact same cameras (, screenshot below) he says he wants more money to match the recently-inflated price on that listing!

HERE'S THE CLINCHER THOUGH: Look at all the recent negative feedback for this seller!  He has been doing the EXACT SAME THING to lots of other people, with the EXACT SAME ITEM ID!  Some even report he sent them power supplies, like he did me!  This is no mistake and no accident either.

Notice the other people who this character cheated with the EXACT SAME ItemID! #123771751858

And this is just a partial list!

Notice in the feedback all the references to "Out of stock skhrwjkrfhgwkjafhg (#123771751858)"?  That's because this crook modified his listing, which now looks like this at

This guy is a lying cheat who does not belong on Ebay at all.  Ebay has all the proof they need in the negative reviews and they are welcome to read my messages to him too if they wish.  This character is so blatantly dishonest, I am telling Ebay now that if you do not delete his account I will take the matter to my state's Senators and Congresspersons and everyone else I can think of, starting with this blog and Facebook.  On the other hand if you do the right thing, which there can be no doubt of what that should be, I will praise Ebay's integrity on Facebook and my blog too.  I do not want to see this guy scam one more person on Ebay.

PS: If he wants his power supplies back, please inform the seller that HE will be paying the shipping.

This posted to the Ebay Community at

Problem with a blatant fraud; how to get Ebay to delete the account?



A dishonest seller sinotech2016 sold me 5 IP cameras (the listing at has been modified) but instead sent me 5 plug-in power supplies instead.  His negative reviews indicate he's done the exact same thing to a number of people, so this is no accident.  153 units were sold this way! I was unable to tell much of the story to Ebay because their form submittal box kept throwing errors until I moved most of what I had tried to tell them onto my blog and was finally able to submit this:

I bought 5 cameras. The seller shipped me 5 plug-in power supplies instead, and now refuses to ship me the cameras. This form had problems being submitted so I put additional explanation on my blog at

Clearly, this character needs to go, to be booted from Ebay permanently, or at least until he starts over with another account.  Is there anything else I can do to make sure Ebay will do this, and for starters to make sure that the message will even get through to Ebay?  With all the negative feedback this thief has gotten selling the EXACT SAME ITEMID (!!!) with some reviewers even mentioning that they too were shipped power supplies, wouldn't you think this thief would have been booted ALREADY?  I do not think Ebay intends to be so flaky, but there's the evidence right there in the negative reviews!  What more might it take for Ebay to respond appropriately?

Thursday, June 13, 2019

A simple and smart way to fix climate change | Dan Miller | TEDxOrangeCoast

Does Spectrum do this?

Regulation of Cable TV Rates

Basic tier services and rates
Cable systems generally are required to offer a "basic tier" of programming to all subscribers before they purchase any additional programming. The basic service tier must include most local broadcast stations, as well as public, educational and government channels required by the franchise agreement between the LFA and your cable company.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Trump/Russia: Follow the money (3 parts) | Four Corners

By ABC News Australia

Published on Jun 24, 2018 but still highly relevant.

"Four Corners investigates Russia’s endgame and the motivation behind its extraordinary interference in the US Presidential elections."

There are some amusing scenes in Part 2 with Carter Page so obviously lying and pretending to be indignant at how he could be so poorly treated by news people and investigators for his extensive Russian contacts.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Removed Redactions Show More Extensive Flynn Contacts With Russia | Madd...

It sure is interesting to see the details coming out.  We knew the entire Trump crew was shadily involved with Russians by the way they lied about it, but we didn't know much about exactly how.  Remember Flynn is apparently still cooperating with investigators and has been pretty well under wraps after initially trying to join the 'deep state' conspiracy explanation for why his and Trump's extensive contacts with Russians should be ignored.  He started going public but then shut up real fast, probably because it was pointed out to him by cops or lawyers or both that he was breaking his plea agreement deal by trying to publicly maintain his innocence.

The redactions segment is funny because it's obviously Putin's name blacked out and Rachel has so much fun with it.  I think she said we'd soon be learning for sure that it was Putin who was the first foreign leader to call him on inauguration day!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Whoa: Dem Congressman Declares Trump Impeachment Now 'inevitable' | The ...

Impeachment does look inevitable, and Trump is doing his famous chameleon act on it by acting both as if he wants Pelosi to bring it on like he's a big macho man and can handle it, whereas it's also a horrible disgusting word as if he's gonna throw up if he hears it again ever. And behind the scenes you just know the reality is more likely to resemble when he first went under investigation and said 'my presidency is over, I'm fucked', he's practically crapping his pants with worry and trying to distract from the negative attention with his even more negative tweets.

My theory is the man is an Ambien addict, as it is known that Trump's physician Dr. Ronny Jackson prescribed it as a sleep aid to anyone on Trump's staff who wanted it ( If you have ever lived with an Ambien addict you might have observed the way they invent delusions that they want you to share with them and that they will totally look you in the eyes and fabricate lies with a straight face. Sounds familiar, right?

Ingraham: The resistance has a royal hissy fit

She's reading from a script. Practically every other sentence is a setup tag line to trigger rightwing reflexes like 'but Trump fought back and said no more', 'it may be only June 3 but it feels a lot more like July 4th here in England', cheap appeals to faux patriotism and authoritarian bootlicking reflexes. THIS IS WHAT FASCIST PROPAGANDA LOOKS LIKE.

Friday, May 24, 2019

SO STRANGE how rightwingers don't care about Russian threats anymore!

Really, they obsessed over 'Commies' and in their lathered-up states of fear built a giant arsenal of nuclear weapons sufficient to destroy world civilization hundreds of times over.  But now they're okay with all of Trump's shenanigans with the Russians that he and his co-conspirators LIED ABOUT consistently and over again until they were absolutely nailed down on the facts and made to update their security clearance applications.  Which is likely one of the reasons that Jared Kushner was rejected for a national security clearance until Daddy Trump ordered one of his flying monkeys to give it to him anyway. 

Anyone who still supports Trump at this point should be ashamed of themselves, but as we have seen, they appear to have no shame.

The Problem with Bootlicking Authoritarians

These of course are the same guys they're talking about when the term Fragile Masculinity is used.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Russian Collaborators in Plain Sight

They seem to be getting more and more blatant about it, since the lies and deception seem to be working for them.  This video talks about Mitch McConnell's role but Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is also in on the take.   Rachel says the deal is worth $200 million but I had heard earlier it was closer to $500 million, maybe that's before all the bribes and graft get doled out?

Anyway it's good to see somebody's on it.  Shouldn't Congress be looking at the tax returns of Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul now too?

Saturday, May 18, 2019

This Is What Obstruction Of Justice Looks Like


This is one of the most gripping and entertaining videos I've ever seen. Future generations will see it and wonder WTF were we thinking to have not yet excised the cancer that is Trump from our body politic. 'Why did it take so long?' they will inevitably say! All the lies and denials and scripted conspiracy theory fabrications are already so transparent that they actually point giant fingers of guilt straight at their perpetrators by continuing to make them (not ONLY you, Trump!). This is such a good story of the walls closing in on Trump and his co-conspirators while everybody sees it, everyone's excited to be witnessing history unfold like a crime thriller ("like an outtake from Godfather One" declares Joyce Vance so spot on), and there's such a large humor element to the absurdity of it all animating everyone that is so infectious, I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone involved in this production, and especially to Nicole Wallace for the brilliant way you wove it all together, Nicole. Awesome you are.