I bought 5 of these cameras from Ebay seller sinotech2016.
This image is Ebay's capture of the original item on sale.
This is the package I received from him:
This is what he shipped! 5 power supplies!
So I bought 5 cameras and the seller shipped me 5 plug-in power supplies which I thought might be followed up by 5 cameras, but they weren't. Seller then refused to ship me the cameras though, first telling me he doesn't sell them and the listing was an accidental copy from another seller's listing, then when I provided him with the URL to another listing where he is selling the exact same cameras (https://www.ebay.com/itm/2MP-Outdoor-Waterproof-WiFi-PTZ-Security-IP-IR-Camera-1080P-HD-Night-Vision/113758497195?hash=item1a7c88e9ab:g:no0AAOSwBApc5gf9, screenshot below) he says he wants more money to match the recently-inflated price on that listing!
Notice the other people who this character cheated with the EXACT SAME ItemID! #123771751858
And this is just a partial list!
This guy is a lying cheat who does not belong on Ebay at all. Ebay has all the proof they need in the negative reviews and they are welcome to read my messages to him too if they wish. This character is so blatantly dishonest, I am telling Ebay now that if you do not delete his account I will take the matter to my state's Senators and Congresspersons and everyone else I can think of, starting with this blog and Facebook. On the other hand if you do the right thing, which there can be no doubt of what that should be, I will praise Ebay's integrity on Facebook and my blog too. I do not want to see this guy scam one more person on Ebay.
PS: If he wants his power supplies back, please inform the seller that HE will be paying the shipping.
This posted to the Ebay Community at https://community.ebay.com/t5/Member-To-Member-Support/Problem-with-a-blatant-fraud-how-to-get-Ebay-to-delete-the/qaq-p/29927377:
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