Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Whoa: Dem Congressman Declares Trump Impeachment Now 'inevitable' | The ...

Impeachment does look inevitable, and Trump is doing his famous chameleon act on it by acting both as if he wants Pelosi to bring it on like he's a big macho man and can handle it, whereas it's also a horrible disgusting word as if he's gonna throw up if he hears it again ever. And behind the scenes you just know the reality is more likely to resemble when he first went under investigation and said 'my presidency is over, I'm fucked', he's practically crapping his pants with worry and trying to distract from the negative attention with his even more negative tweets.

My theory is the man is an Ambien addict, as it is known that Trump's physician Dr. Ronny Jackson prescribed it as a sleep aid to anyone on Trump's staff who wanted it (https://reason.com/2018/04/26/criticism-of-ronny-jackson-highlights-pe/). If you have ever lived with an Ambien addict you might have observed the way they invent delusions that they want you to share with them and that they will totally look you in the eyes and fabricate lies with a straight face. Sounds familiar, right?

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