Friday, April 8, 2022

Corporate Psychopaths Would LIKE you to think that "Nuclear Waste is Safer Than You Think"

Addressed to the author of this misleading video in his video's Comments

 Dude you need to stick with what you actually know instead of letting yourself be bamboozled by nuclear industry corporate psychopaths. They LIE and only give you happy words that ignore or minimize the filthiest parts of their industry! The 'waste' you talk about fitting into the size of a football field is just theoretical for example, AS IF it could be separated out from the millions and millions of tons of soil and trash it's mixed in with. Do your homework and read about the massive leaking tanks at the Hanford Washington plant that have contaminated groundwater and soil with high level plutonium-containing waste that'll NEVER be cleaned up. Learn about the huge holding ponds at Oak Ridge full of radwaste that migratory birds land on, then fly away to contaminate random bits of landscape and get killed and eaten by unfortunate hunters who'll never know what caused their cancers.

SOMEBODY lied to you about the transport casks even, as there HAVE been incidents where they've cracked open and leaked. They made you their TOOL for disinformation.

You made some rather disingenuous comparisons between power reactors and other power sources, apparently unaware that the reactors themselves are usually the CLEANEST part of the nuclear fuel cycle. There are literally MOUNTAINS of uranium tailings from mining operations in the American southwest still exposed to the open air, spreading toxic dust and emitting radon like crazy to poison people living downwind of them, mostly native Americans. Those will probably NEVER be contained, and they certainly won't be fitting into any football field size areas. The WORST AND DIRTIEST nuclear fuel cycle operations involve fuel reprocessing of course, which SO FAR the civilian side of the filthy nuclear industries SAYS they are abstaining from, but you didn't say ONE WORD about the military reprocessing that STILL goes on in this country and in other nuclear-armed nations around the world, where the distinction between military and civilian can be nonexistent. That 'vitrified waste' you talked about? Don't you know how that's made? They heat radwaste to extreme temperatures to create molten glass / ceramic lumps when cooled, but the nuclear industry corporate psychopaths DON'T tell you that their 'vitrification' process also dumps huge quantities of VOLATILE radionuclides into the atmosphere, like tritium, xenon-133, and iodine-129 for just a few examples.

Worse, you COMPLETELY IGNORE the fact that plutonium-239 radwaste will need to be stored, guarded, and maintained for almost a QUARTER MILLION YEARS before it decays away to safety. Ask yourself, how long have we even had recorded civilization on the earth? Five or ten thousand years maybe, depending on what criteria you use? Do you think it's reasonable to expect 25 of 50 times that amount of time to pass, a frigging quarter of a million years to go by without any further changes in human civilization, some good and some bad? Yet ALL those generations will somehow HAVE to deal with the millions of tons of radwaste we have ALREADY created, and you want to add MORE to their burden? Who's gonna hire the guards to keep criminals and terrorists away from it for all that time, even supposing it isn't forgotten about and neglected for a few tens of thousands of years here and there? Who's gonna repackage all that waste over the centuries as their caskets corrode and crack and leak radioactive shit all over the place? Who's going to compensate the victims of excess cancers, birth defects, cardiovascular problems, and life shortening resulting from lost and leaking radwaste, centuries and millennia from now? The ONLY REASON nuclear power is considered economically 'competitive' against other power sources is because the corporate psychopaths of the nuclear industries DO NOT INTEND TO PAY THE FULL COSTS OF THEIR FILTHY WORK. NOT EVEN CLOSE.

Finally, you also COMPLETELY IGNORE the bare fact that NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROLIFERATION always follows and remains associated with nuclear reactor production and operations. And corporate psychopaths will happily sell their reactors and nuclear fuel to other countries; they are actually considering selling them to Nigeria, even! Gee what could go wrong? Are you REALLY so uneducated and incompetent to opine publicly on the 'virtues' of nuclear power that you 'forgot' to mention the inextricable links between nuclear power and weapons? Or was your joking about the Lambo not really a joke, and you're actually pimping for the corporate psychopaths of the nuclear industries?

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