Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Russell Brand Is Still Pimping Death By Covid

You're probably not going to like this much either, Russell

Your problem Russell is that you only ascribe evil motives to the many people who've devoted their lives to public health, so despite all your more positive happy talk you're really kinda twisted up with negativity inside, and it's a shame to see. Sure there are a few people who only care about the money they can make, but we live in a capitalistic society and no other practical social mechanism exists to make public health a thing. I wish there was a better way too, but there just isn't, so the smart thing to do is the best we can with the system we have, and try to improve it over time as has been the trend over the last few hundred years.

As a consequence of your negative focus on the perceived horrors of a few corporate psychopaths in the pharmaceutical industries enriching themselves even more obscenely than they already have, you have thrown out the baby with the bathwater and failed to appreciate the millions of good and decent healthcare workers whose main motive has been simply to help people stay alive and well during this awful pandemic. It's been even more of a strain on them than it has on most of us, with many healthcare workers themselves dying from Covid or suffering 'long Covid' health issues as a result of being around so many infected people every working day. Many have quit from the stress of the work and worry of leaving their young children without a parent to look after them, understandable behaviors which have unfortunately only made the situation worse for those who've remained on the job, the greatest heroes of our time that you callously overlook and lump in with the corporate psychopaths of the pharmaceutical industries as if they were all somehow engaged in gigantic conspiracies to push false narratives about the severity of the virus and it's variants. They're not. The virus is real, has killed millions of people so far, and it's not done yet. And YOU are helping it spread, whether you will admit it or not.

Here YOU are, gleefully watching your subscriber numbers grow on YouTube which translates directly to YOUR INCOME, as you pander to the stupidest and worst among us, the selfish anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers mostly on the Right who don't give a flying fuck about anyone else they might infect and kill through their careless irresponsibility. Sure, you always frame it as 'personal freedom' and 'you should have the right to make your own choices' and so forth as if those were somehow more important than people actually fucking DYING BY THE MILLIONS. Which you don't even seem to care about either. So as you PROFIT from PANDERING to the stupidest and worst among us, validating their idiotic conspiracy theories and strengthening their psychopathic resolve to not give a shit about the very lives of their own countrymen, HOW ARE YOU ANY FUCKING DIFFERENT FROM THE GREEDY CORPORATE PSYCHOPATHS OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES? Because you're on the 'other side' badmouthing them? At least they're helping people STAY ALIVE, Russell! YOUR YouTube profits come from pushing to make people DIE and helping to prolong this goddamn pandemic! You're no better than those corporate psychopaths are Russell, you're MUCH WORSE and you're probably not even making nearly as much from your efforts to kill people as they are from trying to keep them alive. Is that pathetic or what?

Eventually the day comes for all of us when we are called upon to be judged on the value of our lives, and that value depends entirely upon how we helped others. At this point in time your life value has gone very negative Russell, and I urge you to think long and hard about whether your YouTube income is going to still be worth it to you when your time comes to face up to how you conducted your life, because you're not going to be able to take a penny of it with you. Please reconsider.


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