Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The Criminal Insanity of Nuclear Power Keeps Popping It's Ugly Head Up

Global warming is just one way to make the planet uninhabitable for human life, another is going nuclear. This crazy scheme of 'micro' reactors would add to the already obscene burden of future generations having to deal with intensely toxic radwaste for as long as a QUARTER MILLION YEARS in the case of reactors using plutonium-239, but these costs are NEVER figured in to the total and certainly not paid for by the nuclear industries. The real costs though are in terms of human misery as the radioactive garbage of today's corporate psychopaths inevitably gets forgotten about after a few thousand years or sooner, abandoned and lost, sometimes broken into and other times used for 'dirty' bombs. There exists no truly permanent casing or other safe place to put radwaste for even ten thousand years, much less the twenty-five times ten thousand years that would be necessary. Who will pay the costs of excess cancers and birth defects and life shortening and all manner of radiation-induced diseases after they create an environment teeming in alpha emitters for future generations? For what could amount to millions or even billions of people affected, eventually everyone on the entire earth?

The thing is, the decision makers of the nuclear industries know this, and they don't care. They have profits to make, and because that's more important to them than inflicting horrible miseries upon future generations, that's how we know they're corporate psychopaths.

There's ALSO the reality that nuclear power proliferation enables nuclear weapons proliferation because they largely use the same technologies, and because we've seen it happen over and over again. To know this and still want to pimp nuclear power is just insane, even criminally insane. 

'Forget Small ... What About Micro Nuclear Energy?'

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