Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Russell Brand Spreads More Fear and Hate

Russell's a talented comedian and for a long time was a voice of inspiration and hope that built upon his natural humor with good effects on people. Lately though, he's been applying his humor to dark fears and paranoia, with not so good effects that seem to be getting worse. He assumes the very worst in people and then exaggerates that to paint worst case scenarios of distant futures that must be stopped at once or we're all going to Hell in a handbasket. They usually devolve down to some version of autocratic government control gone wild, whether it's too much curing of disease by vaccinations or worries about what 'they' might do with his personal information. Which he treats like he isn't aware that a great deal of his personal information is already out there without any of his paranoid schizophrenic fantasies happening to them, at least not yet. 

You're fast approaching Alex Jones / Qanon-level crazy, Russell, amplifying and spreading a lot of the same kind of fear-stink.  

I liked you better when you were funny and uplifting rather than the way you are now, funny and spreading fear and hate. Don't you think there's enough of that going on already? Is that what you really want to be contributing so much of your own life energy to?


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