Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Open Letter to Trump Fan "Lightworkers"

SOMEHOW Trump has made himself appealing to a certain type of person that considers themselves 'spiritual', in particular those that fancy themselves "lightworkers".  I've watched this phenomenon develop over time, first thinking it was just a few crazies, but apparently it's more than just a few.  Today I shared a few words with one of them that I want to memorialize here:


Spare us your phony spirituality please, if you can fall into Qult-worshipping a malignant orange psychopath, whatever it is you think you believe in spiritually is not only invalid and worthless to you but actively degrading to your spirit and of no value to anyone else either. Quit pretending you can't see what a monster he is, you don't fool anyone. You've seen his bigotry and hate like we all have, his pettiness and namecalling, his pandering to white supremacists and inflaming them to attack our nation's Capitol, his talk of wanting to pardon the convicted January 6th domestic terrorists, his near-constant lying and lack of responsibility, and now you know he stole America's nuclear secrets and some of them are missing. None of these things he's done are innocent mistakes, invented by the media or other enemies, or anyone else's fault, nor is this anywhere near a complete recounting of Trump's moral atrocities but just a few of his crimes and demonstrably low character we presently know about. You cannot wallow in the slime of Trump's monstrous inhumanity without getting it all over you too, meaning you make yourself just as morally deficient and irresponsible as he is by defending and continuing to support him, and the day will come when you will have to answer for being no better of a human being than he was. If you do have any shreds of human decency or spirituality left in you after what you have let Trump turn you into, you had best apply them to reconsidering what values you want to leave others remembering you by as your life's legacy.

I'm not the only one with such concerns, please see Why some New Age influencers believe Trump is a "lightworker".

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