Friday, September 2, 2022

Tucker Carlson: Does his Fascism make you nervous?

Only one party became supporters of and participants in Trump's January 6th insurrection.

Only one party still attempts to maintain the fiction, in the absence of evidence, that the 2020 election was 'stolen'.

Only one party fits the classic Fascist characteristic of falling under the spell of a 'strong leader' (even though Trump's effeminate combover dyed hairstyle, present cultivation of victimhood, and his five-time draft-dodging leave most of us scratching our heads in wonderment at what they consider 'strong' about him, other than his whiny bullying behaviors).

Only one party constantly attacks with intent to undermine America's institutions and values, and tries to violate our Constitutional separation of church and state.

Only one party is seriously talking about instigating a civil war if they don't get their way.

Only one party is a serious threat to American democracy, and this Russian asset Tucker Cucker Carlson is right here in this video trying to deny it.

Americans are much smarter than Tucker Cucker thinks they are. Just look what happened to Sarah Palin a few days ago.

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