Monday, December 11, 2023

The Pathetic Stupidity of the Religious Right

They don't seem to even understand their own religion, and they'll cherry-pick from their BuyBull to obtain any justification they want for their psychopathic actions.  No better evidence for the pathetic nature of how they've perverted Christ's words and teachings can be imagined than how they have become so comfortable with and supportive of Donald Trump, a cruel psychopath who embodies everything that Jesus tried to teach people not to be.  Yet they embrace him, almost giving credence to the Biblical thread about how they'll worship the AntiChrist when he comes.  

But it is abundantly clear that if Christ actually did somehow return to Earth, the religious right psychopaths would crucify him all over again, if they could.  Here's why:


Monday, November 6, 2023

The LYING Nuclear Power Industry


The word 'debunk', meaning 'to expose the falseness or hollowness of', used in this context would make you think this video is about exposing the falseness or hollowness of using thorium for nuclear power, right? Well the title of this video carries on the tradition well-established long ago by the corporate psychopaths of the nuclear power industry of LYING TO PEOPLE because this video isn't about 'debunking' thorium at all, it's entirely PIMPING thorium instead. And as always the downsides to nuclear are minimized or ignored (e.g. terrorists getting hold of dangerous nuclear material, or the proliferation of nuclear technologies INEVITABLY leading to even more proliferation of nuclear weapons) in favor of the LYING CORPORATE PSYCHOPATH'S UNSTATED BOTTOM LINE: THE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS THEY'LL EAGERLY MAKE OFF THIS IRRESPONSIBLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY.  

We're done with this garbage, we have learned nuclear energy is the dumbest way to boil water that's ever been invented, with long-lasting and often-irreversible consequences that would leave FUTURE GENERATIONS paying the TRUE COSTS of nuclear power in the form of the horrible effects that were minimized or overlooked entirely by the CORPORATE PSYCHOPATH PIMPS.



Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Lie That Because Democrats Once Upon A Time Favored Slavery, They're Still Racists Today

Is this dipshit SO dumb that he doesn't understand the once-upon-a-time racist Democrats of the 1800's and early 1900's have been ENTIRELY REPLACED by today's racist Republicans? That process was begun through Richard Nixon's "southern strategy" to appeal to racist Dems in the South in order to win their votes. And it worked. Not completely, but by appealing to white bigots he successfully began converting racist Democrats to Republicans, and the trend continued throughout the political landscape. Ronald The Criminal Reagan more or less perfected the process and brought ESSENTIALLY ALL racist Democrats into the Republican party. Which is where they are TODAY, the party that still defends and finds excuses for psychopathic white cops who murder black people like George Floyd and many others. The party of BIGOTS that's presently striving to oppress transgenders like they've long hated and tried to oppress homosexuals.

So LET'S BE CLEAR: it is TRUE that Democrats were once the 'conservatives' of their day and Republicans were the LIBERAL VANGUARDS who freed the slaves and fought against racial inequality. They were different people but their same kinds of mentalities exist today IN THE OPPOSITE PARTIES.

And by this character either being colossally stupid or LYING BY OMISSION, he puts forth a TWISTED STORY HAVING NO CORRESPONDENCE WITH REALITY.

Which these days, is what Republicans are all about in their lame attempts to alter the narratives of reality as they unfold:

Stolen election
Vaccines bad
Pussy-grabbing good
Immigrants hurt America
Trump is the Savior who'll Save America and Only He Can Fix It
It's okay for the government to control women's bodies
But it's better that the government keep gun nuts happy than stopping tens of thousands of gun deaths every year
It was Nancy Pelosi's fault that Trump fans rioted to try to overturn the election in his favor, yeah that really makes sense
Just like it really makes sense how suddenly Trump is best friends with Vladimir Putin and will do almost anything for him and they even have secret meetings
Not to mention the stolen nuclear documents and who knows what all yet
By the most blatantly obvious mob-boss-wannabee criminal that's ever occupied the Oval Office
And his hypnotized Qultists lick it all up like it was dog vomit and love him for it

They're all fucking crazy, of course.

But one of the most disgusting expressions of their craziness is when women and black and brown people become attracted to the Republican club of white misogynstic racists that WANTS TO HURT WOMEN AND BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE!

Black Man Harassing Trump Supporters Shocked To See Black Supporter Among Crowd

Friday, September 15, 2023



The thing that gives them away so clearly is INAPPROPRIATE EMOTIONAL RESPONSES as we hear by this psychopathic cop's laughing and dehumanizing of the poor young woman who was killed. Somehow they GET OFF on other people's pain and even deaths, which thrill them. They're usually this way because of damage to the frontal lobes of their brains or their connections with lower brain structures, which is where empathy and conscience are normally processed. Without empathy, conscience is also impossible for them, and they simply view other people as objects to be used for their amusement. Like Manson or Trump, psychopaths like this Auderer monster lie and connive and con people all the time, and actually enjoy seeing them hurt or killed or hurting and killing them themselves.

The SOLUTION to this problem is to screen every existing cop and future trainee for psychopathy with Dr. Hare's standardized psychopathy test and follow up the high scorers with functional MRI scans of their brains to verify whether they can or cannot elicit brain activity in their frontal lobes when suitably stimulated in ways that would normally elicit empathy in a mentally healthy person. And simply screen out psychopaths from police work, or at the very least limit them to clerical or other duties where they can never interact with the public.

Once we see how well screening for psychopathy helps to improve our police forces, let's expand them to the military and government at all levels, ESPECIALLY CANDIDATES FOR UNITED STATES PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS. This would be another way to disqualify Trump from ever disgracing our country again.

 WATCH: Cop Caught HYSTERICALLY Laughing About Pedestrian Killed By Officer

Saturday, June 17, 2023

I Was in the Same Jail as Jeffrey Epstein, I Know What Happened (Supposedly)

This smells like Russian disinformation. The Federal prison Epstein died in was under the direct control of Donald Trump, through Bill Barr. They are the only ones who could have reliably had Epstein killed, this guy isn't even sure about his own story of whether it was one CIA agent or two. And we already know that Trump's a sexual predator through both being recently convicted of it and by his bragging about it. The lawsuit against him by a woman who claimed he raped her at one of Epstein's parties when she was just 13 has somehow been successfully squelched, and we know Trump has a habit of threatening his legal adversaries because we've seen him do it many times now. I don't believe this Levine guy is any less of a sleazy liar than he looks.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Big Lie About Nuclear Waste

It's a LIE, alright!

This video appears to have been bought and paid for by the corporate psychopaths of the nuclear power industry. SO MUCH is left out or glossed over or minimized, it can't only be a production by one ditzy chick who in her wide-eyed innocence somehow managed to overlook all the DOWNSIDES of nuclear power which FAR EXCEED any potential benefits. Like she DIDN'T EVEN MENTION THAT JIMMY CARTER WAS TRAINED AS A NUCLEAR ENGINEER IN THE NAVY AND KNEW BETTER THAN MOST WHAT NUCLEAR POWER IS REALLY ABOUT. And she FAILS TO MENTION that the means to achieve the recycling and reuse of waste that she PRETENDS is so simple and easy is called REPROCESSING, is one of the DIRTIEST PARTS OF THE NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE, and would have to be done CONTINUOUSLY IN MANY LOCATIONS ON INDUSTRIAL SCALES to enable the COMPLETELY IRRESPONSIBLE NUCLEAR PLAN she puts forth in this LYING VIDEO that is SO IRONICALLY TITLED! Every cycle through nuclear reprocessing involves dumping large quantities of radionuclides into the atmosphere for example as a way of dealing with the ones that cannot be contained, like Xenon-133, an inert but radioactive gas that is just too expensive to capture and contain in PRESSURE VESSELS until it decays away into harmlessness. She COMPLETELY FAILS TO MENTION that the REPROCESSING she fails to name is the pathway toward NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROLIFERATION, and she seems to lack ANY understanding that the ONLY reason nuclear power has had ANY commercial success is because THE CORPORATE PSYCHOPATHS OF THE NUCLEAR POWER INDUSTRIES HAVE SCAMMED THEIR WAY INTO NOT PAYING FOR ALL THE COSTS OF NUCLEAR, BUT INSTEAD HAVE PUSHED THEM OFF ONTO GOVERNMENTS AND ONTO FUTURE GENERATIONS SO THAT THEY CAN ENJOY THEIR FILTHY PROFITS IN THE SHORT TERM. We're talking about people who know FULL WELL the dangers of nuclear power and weapons but PLAY THEM DOWN and MINIMIZE THEM, even though they know FULL WELL it will be their children and grandchildren and descendants for MANY GENERATIONS who will have to pay the REAL COSTS of nuclear in terms of CANCERS, BIRTH DEFECTS, LIFE SHORTENING, and an EVER GROWING THREAT OF NUCLEAR WAR. It's PARTIALLY TRUE that recycling nuclear fuel would eliminate SOME Plutonium-239, but the GREATER TRUTH is that MUCH of it would be spread around into the environment like has ALREADY HAPPENED at filthy places like the Hanford plant in Washington state where there are MILLIONS OF TONS OF RADWASTE LEAKING INTO THE GROUNDWATER from tanks built as far back as the 1940's!


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Tucker Carlson Fired From Fox 4.24.2023

 SO good a goodbye, though it'll be interesting to see how extreme he gets next!

There's a perfect clip in here of Carson going on about 'imagine if you had to lie every day of your life' that's so funny in retrospect:

Monday, March 27, 2023


Chilling deepfakes claiming to show Trump being arrested flood Twitter

Though I suspect we won't see such great pictures when it does happen, we can be pretty sure that the plate-tossing drama queen won't break character when it does, and it's hilarious that these images present such entirely plausible scenarios.  It's going to be really interesting and hopefully fun and not tragic to see what really happens.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Trump Is Already Riling Up His Fans For Violence and He Hasn't Even Been Arrested Yet as of 3.19.2023

It's hard to imagine there's anyone who thinks he'll take his punishment like a man, but instead a whiny narcissistic drama queen pretending for his Qult followers' sake to behave like a gangster. 'Cause Fascist bootlickers gotta feel there's a 'strong man' Mussolini-Hitler style in those boots they crave to lick. Authoritarianism's a turn-on for them, probably largely homoerotic too, judging by all their PROJECTION about how much they hate LGBTQs etc. Every word he says from now on is going to be intended to rile them up into as much large scale violence he can provoke.

Former President Donald Trump says he expects to be arrested

Monday, March 13, 2023

The Elephant in the Living Room about the Covid 'Lab Leak' theory

The elephant in the living room that neither side seems to notice is that the purpose of the lab leak narrative from a rightwing perspective is that blaming China shifts attention away from Trump's irresponsible handling of the virus that led to well over a million American deaths, and it's not over yet. The hoax virus is really all China's fault, you see, in Trump World.

What they seem oblivious to is that it doesn't matter if the virus came from a lab, Trump still bungled his responses to it almost as if he was deliberately trying to get people killed, as if he's not only head of a Qult but a Death Qult to boot. I remember there were studies showing that 80% of Covid fatalities were occurring among Republicans, which would support that whole Death Qult idea.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

They Even Call Themselves 'Christians'

This video stimulated the Comments below:

Don Jr’s girlfriend suffers the ULTIMATE humiliation on stage

Comment by

18 hours ago

Hearing Large Marge talk about the other side being bullies literally made me laugh and she says she doesn't want our children dying in Ukraine but Marge is fine with them dying in their home country at school, church, etc. I'm so F'ING sick of the lies & hypocrisy of the right. I just don't understand the individuals that vote for them. Ugh!!!


They're hard to figure out, aren't they? I have a firm conviction that many of them that call themselves 'christians' are okay with lying because they imagine they are 'saved from their sins' by their cosmic codependent Lord And Savior as their religion teaches them to be, so they can cheerfully keep on sinning in all the lying hypocritical ways that they do. Like how "Pro-lifers" often push for the death penalty for women who have abortions and their doctors, too. And the Second Amendment is more important to them than any number of brutally destroyed children's lives and other real people, not partially developed potential ones in the womb. It's a kind of insanity where they can't even tell they are advocating for the very things they profess to hate. It's got to be their religion that trains them to hold such logically contradictory things in their heads and be not only be blind to those contradictions, but remain so after they've been explained to them!

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Anti-Vax Death Qult Propaganda

Here's why:

Red flag #1 is any data from Florida, where the Fascist wannabee DeSantis has gone to some extreme steps to manipulate the state's Covid data for his own political purposes, such as to conceal the fact that some of his stupid policies have killed people.

Red flag #2 is that none of the data presented about Covid side effects are compared with how many people have been helped by the vaccines, which should be readily obtainable from Covid death rates among vaxxed and unvaxxed Floridians such as findings FROM OTHER STATES showing around 80% of all deaths occurring in UNVACCINATED people, assumed to be sheeplike Republicans swallowing Trump's Death Qult influence on his gullible followers.

Red flag #3 is this goober's insistence that Florida leads the way in reporting Covid data, when it has been the absolute worse. He doesn't know what he is talking about and is making crazy assertions counter to the facts.

Red flag #4 is the paper cited and linked to above starting with "Serious adverse events of special interest..." and for example says "Results: Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 10.1 and 15.1 per 10,000 vaccinated over placebo baselines of 17.6 and 42.2 ... respectively. Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 vaccinated..." which I understand to mean that the placebo, or unvaccinated rates of serious adverse effects happening spontaeously were 17.6 per ten thousand in the Pfizer study and 4.2. per 10,000 in the Moderna study, and in the vaccinated groups there were an extra 10.1 reported adverse effects out of 10,000 in the Pfizer study and 15.1 out of 10,000 in the Moderna study, averaging out to12.5 excess adverse events in both, per 10,000 people studied. That 12.5 excess adverse events is the bottom line here, out of every 10,000 people, which is far less than one percent, almost one tenth of one percent, as12.5 /10,000 = 0.12% of all people studied on average in these two studies had serious adverse effects that would have been likely due to their Covid vaccinations. That is tiny! Compare it to typical DEATH RATES from Covid ranging between about 1% to 2% of all those infected and you can see that your chances of DYING of Covid if you get it are almost ten to twenty times greater than suffering serious adverse effects from being vaccinated, which tells you YOU'D HAVE TO BE AN IDIOT to go unvaccinated! And it isn't only DEATH that Covid vaccinations can partially protect you from, but it decreases your liklihood of catching the virus in the first place, from the severity of the disease if you do get it, like complications involving organ failure for example, and from suffering Long Covid symptoms afterward. There simply is no two ways here about the smart choice being vaccination, and this goober talks about the relatively small risk of 12.5 serious adverse events out of 10,000 people vaccinated AS IF that's worse than the consequences from Covid itself! NOT VERY SMART.

There were more red flags and more could probably be found lurking behind the scenes in the cherry-picked data provided by Florida and whoever pays for deceptive Death Qult videos like this one, but this will do for now. If you're not vaccinated yet, you're a fool.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Why Psychopaths Are Drawn To The Criminal Justice System

This is a serious problem best exemplified by killer psychopathic cops sparking backlash like the BLM movement that affects everyone.  

Including an interesting from an attorney with longstanding knowledge and concern about cops and judges being psychopaths who relish controlling people.

How much of this lying Christo-Fascist bullshit can you take?

The Lying Faces of So-Called "Christians"

Ya gotta wonder, do Huckelberry and Kari Lake actually believe their delusions? Or are they fully aware they are lying? Or maybe it's somewhere in between, like their religion operates, where they don't really know so they imagine what they'd like to believe is just as valid as anybody else's story? It all certainly fits a pattern where Trump worked to weaken and destroy America's confidence in it's values and institutions (even going so far as to say the Constitution should be 'terminated'!) to the point where election denial is now commonplace among his Christo-Fascist domestic terrorist wannabees and sympathizers. And it turns out the unwashed slimebag Steve Bannon has spread Trump's brand of Fascism around the world with similar effects, like the rise of the Klan after the Civil War. Kari Lake is just one Fascist opportunist hoping that Trump's losing strategy of election denial, even despite knowing how damaging it is to our country and around the world, might work for her. Wouldn't it be wonderful if her evil religion which has trained her to play "let's pretend" in these ways, was actually real and she would really be judged on her 'christian' sincerity come Judgement Day? Like the blithering fool before Lake came on and babbled about his sick Rapture movie? She'd be one of the 'LEFT BEHINDS'! (isn't that a cute 'christian' way to thinly disguise your hatred?). But of course that Jesus babblecrap isn't real so it won't be the kind of Judgement she's probably expecting where she gets to skate out of being responsible for her sins by 'believing' in Jesus yada yada, she will instead suffer the humiliation of all of us knowing that SHE KNEW she was spreading lying bullshit in this video. As well as before and after her LOSING campaign in Arizona which clearly showed that Arizonans are fucking sick and tired of Trump's election lies and don't want a lying Godforsaken Trump mimic leading their state. GOOD ON ARIZONANS, YOU'RE WAY SMARTER THAN THE AVERAGE TRUMP HUMPERS!