Friday, February 2, 2024

Russell Brand Unrepentant as he Goes Down with Trumpy Fascism's Ship Of Denial

Special guest article by LockHimUp 

Russell you should have stuck to what you do well, standup comedy. Where you had a good rap and learned how to work a crowd. Your downfall began as you apparently became seduced by the forces of Trumpy Fascism and started pandering to their bigoted 'base' of fearful, ignorant, and gullible Trump Death Qultists. That got you a lot of clicks and Subscribes working the YouTube algorithm, you must have thought your pandering to Fascists was a winning formula but look what it got you. As you morphed from a pretty decent and even somewhat spiritual guy into a hateful rightwing fuck amplifying asinine and dangerous conspiracy theories, you didn't know where to stop. You still don't, to listen to all your whining and complaining about your imaginary 'deep state' persecutors instead of taking responsibility for your actions. But now you have really cooked your goose, totally discrediting yourself by allowing yourself to be used as a propaganda tool by this well-documented LIAR and DECEIVER Carlson, who OPENLY praises and takes the side of Vladimir Putin in his efforts to undermine and destroy the USA and Western democracy. It's over now, you're done and you've done it to yourself. You MIGHT be able to regain your senses and reverse course to salvage your reputation, but you've probably sucked down too much orange Kool-Aid like MOST of Trump's gullible fruitcake Magas who are too lost in their insanities to even recognize their cognitive errors, much less repudiate and fix them. 

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