Sunday, February 18, 2024

Tucker Carlson, Pimp For Putin

Special by Lock Him Up! 2.1.2024
Let's be clear: Tucker Carlson is in the position he is in because he has dedicated his life to being a professional LIAR. This episode of him cozying up to the brutal dictator Putin has been preceded by literally YEARS of him taking Putin's side of things, and yet here he is PRETENDING that he went to Moscow to learn what the psychopathic monster really wants and how he really thinks. WHAT UTTER BULLSHIT, and those that believe him are full of shit too. Full of Maga, full of hate, full of fear, full of all the LIES that Tucker Carlson and OTHER flying monkeys for Trump have BRAINWASHED them with. And here's WHY:

1) Putin swore an oath to destroy the United States in revenge for our role in the breakup of the former Soviet Union, which by the way is an important part of the reason for Putin's aggression against Ukraine -- he feels Ukraine should again be part of a Russian empire, specifically the one now led by himself. All of Putin's fabricated excuses or war like 'fighting Nazis' are just bullshit, as are his lying words about being willing to negotiate and seek peace. If Putin seriously wants peace in Ukraine, ALL HE HAS TO DO is withdraw his troops from there and send them back home. Including from Crimea and the other parts of Ukrainian territory he now occupies. AND THEN THE WAR WOULD BE OVER. But we don't see him doing anything even remotely resembling that, all we see from Putin is his continuing unprovoked aggression against Ukraine, murdering thousands of men, women, and children, maybe millions by now. There is NO QUESTION that Putin is a psychopathic monster without any scruples, without any morals, completely lacking in empathy and conscience and seeing other human beings as objects to be manipulated for his purposes, like ALL psychopaths. And Tucker Carlson is NOT SO STUPID as he PRETENDS to be because he KNOWS FULL WELL Putin's a soulless psychopath and Tucker's simply ANOTHER PSYCHOPATH HIMSELF who's looking to aggrandize himself among the psychopaths of the world who he feels HE can use for HIS purposes.

2) Putin's oath to destroy the United States took place under the circumstances of a LONG HISTORY of psyops by BOTH the US and Russia to infiltrate and undermine the other which date back to at least the early 1950's. Both sides have weaknesses which the other sides have done their best to take advantage of, and they take a LONG VIEW of their efforts SOMEDAY paying off. Both sides therefore have various kinds of MOLES and SPIES infiltrating each other's governments and industries for both information gathering and influencing purposes. Putin hit the jackpot with Trump, who he had been GROOMING since the 1980's, supporting Trump through his Russian oligarchs who've spent MILLIONS MORE on Trump's tacky gold-plated apartments than they were actually worth, promising Trump that he could build more of his tacky resorts and golf courses in Russia, and probably through other ways we haven't learned about yet because we've only seen the TIP OF THE ICEBERG of Trump's crimes so far.

3) Trump has AMPLY DEMONSTRATED his allegiance to Putin, most shamefully at the Helsinki conference where he publicly accepted Putin's OBVIOUS LIE that he didn't interfere in the 2016 election to help Trump, over the advice of America's own security agencies which know better and which had informed Trump of the truth. But Trump doesn't care about TRUTH and of course didn't want to expose the now-obvious FACT that he's WORKING FOR PUTIN TO DESTROY THE USA, so he STILL maintains 'Russia Russia Russia' and other lying trite slogans denying the fact he's working for Putin.

4) Putin's OTHER embedded moles and spies are STILL working to help Comrade Trumpsky destroy the USA, most obviously those in Congress who we see Pimping For Putin as well as those like Carlson and Hannity and Ingrahm and that disgusting alcoholic Pirro in the media along with less-well-known Russian assets at Newsmax and OAN etc. Also the NRA which has laundered MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in political donations from Russia to American traitors in Congress. IT'S NOT OVER AND THEY ARE NOT GIVING UP, as Putin is putting to use his moles and spies that he's cultivated in the USA for DECADES.

5) The SADDEST part of all is how SO MANY AMERICANS have been conned by Putin, Trump, and their flying monkeys! It SHOULD be obvious from the FACT that Putin was a Communist KGB agent with NO GOOD INTENTIONS TOWARD THE USA and the FACT that Putin STILL has TENS OF THOUSANDS OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AIMED AND READY TO FIRE AT THE USA that he's NOT OUR FRIEND, but Putin's propaganda has proven effective on the more dull-witted and least-educated Americans, chiefly because much of his propaganda now comes to us through his active agents LIKE Carlson, Trump, Hannity, and so forth. LET US HOPE that Jack Smith and/or other prosecutors will be OUTING ALL THE OTHER TRAITORS ALONG WITH TRUMP as he does his valuable work for our nation. Putin's Trump Qultists will probably go to their graves still believing his LIES, but they are in the minority and at least SOME of them are possibly still patriotic enough to see the light as the TRUTH of Trump's Russian collusion becomes exposed. 

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