Wednesday, September 25, 2024


By special guest author Marsha FS

September 25, 2024

He tells you countless lies and says that if he repeats them enough , you’ll believe them.  He’s mocked his fans when the cameras weren’t on. He thinks you’re fools. He’s right about that. Trump did nothing for this country. I’m sure he did nothing for you financially. You’re insignificant  to him . Republicans never help anyone who is not capable of donating huge funds to them. All his tax breaks went to the upper one percent of billionaires, and he’s planning more of the same.  The rest of us made up for that deficit. Plus, he will install tariffs that you will pay for. He added $8 trillion to the national debt. He made good buddies with our foreign enemies and received millions in bribery payments. They laugh at him because he’s easily manipulated. His ludicrous response to the Covid pandemic cost the lives of almost 1,000,000 people. 

He’s the one who encouraged election fraud which occurred only on the Republican side. Proven fact whether you want to believe it or not. Caused a damn insurrection and watched the attack play out with his dumb smirk on his face and now wanted to make   An AWARDS GALA to reward his thugs! He stole classified documents, deliberately hid them and shared nuclear secrets! Stole money from campaign funds and charities to pay legal fees. He’s a rapist, child molester with 34 felony charges. Paid his way through school and he’s as dumb as a box of rocks. His speeches are incoherent and irrelevant. And he is as old as Biden which I’m sure was a bone in your throat. He’s already senile and his biggest concern is himself. He never built the wall, but a lot of money disappeared over that. He never calmed the strife in the Middle East as he said he did. He released 5000 Taliban prisoners out there  wreaking havoc right now. He’s vile, mean spirited, racist, completely self absorbed ,homophobic and misogynistic. His wife hates him. His former vice president hates him. His new running mate hates him. His entire former cabinet hates him. If you ask me, the entire Republican Congress hates him, but they need him for the election.  Most of the American population hates him. He hasn’t got a single redeeming quality or any agenda to help the middle class.  Never will.

Sure, the price of gas is high, but coming down. The President has very little to do with regulating the price of gas. Grocery prices are coming down as well and the US economy is the strongest in the world! Stock market is at  an all-time high . Small issues compared to losing our freedom and democracy. You would be wise to read and believe project 2025!

If you can still support that hateful, toxic man who is morally depleted, re-evaluate your own code of ethics. He is a career criminal and should never be allowed near the White House again!

Saturday, June 8, 2024


Here's exactly WHY:

by Guest Author Lock Him Up!

Listen up, Magas: remember how the followers of Charles Manson got locked away for most of their lives? They didn't just commit the crimes themselves, but their participation made them just as responsible as Manson, the mastermind. The same goes for Trump’s insurrectionists on January 6th AND HIS INSURRECTION SYMPATHIZERS TODAY.

Here's the deal: under U.S. law, we don’t usually punish people for just wanting to support a criminal cult leader without direct involvement. But let's not forget, the Higher Power you claim to believe in judges you for your MOTIVES AND INTENTIONS. Some of the Ten Commandments are about thought crimes -- sins of desire and intention, like coveting your neighbor's wife or blasphemy. When Judgment Day comes, there won't be any courtroom tricks or stalling tactics to save you. Your pathetic Maga excuses won’t help you one bit when you face divine judgment.

JUDGMENT IS FAIR, and that’s the terrifying part. You don’t have to be a convicted sex offender to be judged as one if you support one. Supporting a monster like Trump means you inherit his sins, and none of his or your lies or alibis will save you from the consequences. Trump has been convicted of sexual assault and has bragged about it, so YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE. Over 20 women have accused him of rape and sexual assault, including a woman who was just a 13-year-old girl at one of Jeffrey Epstein’s parties when he raped her. You know Trump hung out with his longtime Pedo buddy Jeffrey Epstein, a notorious pedophile rapist, for years. By supporting Trump, you share his guilt and you will be judged for it.  No two ways about it,

It's not just his sex crimes. You'll answer for supporting his white supremacist racism, his betrayal of America to Vladimir Putin, stealing national secrets, and inciting an insurrection. These aren’t just technical legal issues you can hairsplit your way out of -- they’re severe moral crimes. The Bible might not list them, but that doesn’t make them any less treacherous. When you find out what your penalty is, it's not going to be pretty.

God’s judgment of you will also consider Trump’s other moral failings: cheating on each of his three spouses, having an affair with a porn worker, and lying about it. By supporting him, you are complicit in these moral crimes too. On Judgment Day, all of you who still support him will be held accountable for every single one of Trump’s crimes. NO EXCEPTIONS.

This is how final judgment works, Bubba. It’s fair. I don’t care if you believe me, but every Trump supporter DESERVES to go to Hell for knowingly supporting a monster who stands against everything Jesus taught. Keep supporting a criminal psychopath and you will find out just how terrible a mistake you’ve made.  All that stupid nonsense you've been fed by evil Maga preachers and clergy and Trump himself about being 'the Chosen one' or 'part of God's plan' is just bullshit and will buy you no mercy.

SO WHEN YOUR JUDGEMENT DAY COMES, MAGAS, DON’T SAY YOU WEREN’T WARNED. None of your typical denials or excuses will matter when God knows every thought and intention you ever had. You were supposed to be better than this with your God-given life on Earth, SHAME ON YOU AND CURSE YOU WITH GOD'S JUDGEMENT, MAY YOU ROT IN HELL FOR ETERNITY. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

What Happens to Magas On Their Judgement Day

By guest blogger Lock Him Up!

 Check out this video of a Maga guy cheering on Trump's moral atrocities!  

 And below the video, see what it means!

She left out the parts where Trump says he'll make himself a dictator and suspend the Constitution, but I'm gonna guess she actually did mention those in the original video this was taken from, and the lying deceptive POS who made this video edited out those parts as too much 'truth' for even Magas to think about very long or hard. As if that would be possible anyway. But they've all heard Trump say those things anyway and their denial mechanisms aren't going to keep them from being responsible for being okay with it.

Here's how it works, Magas: some of you might be old enough to remember how all the members of Charlie Manson's crime family who assisted him in carrying out his crimes were sentenced to very long prison terms, much as some of Trump's Jan 6th insurrectionists have been. Because THEIR PARTICIPATION MADE THEMSELVES RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE CRIMES even though their Dear Leader was the criminal mastermind who incited them to violence -- in both the Manson and Trump cases.

It's not quite a perfect analogy because the vagaries of U.S. law don't usually allow for punishing people for their simple DESIRES AND INTENTIONS to help support a criminal cult leader, in the absence of any further direct or indirect participation by them in his crimes. It's a close enough analogy though when you remember that the Higher Power most of you yokels claim you 'believe in' DOES punish you for your BAD INTENTIONS toward others and even toward YOURSELF in your own 'spiritual' development. For example just remember how some of those Ten Commandments are PRIMARILY THOUGHT CRIMES, violations of which are MORTAL SINS YOU WILL BE JUDGED ON, like desiring to fuck your neighbor's wife, or 'taking the Lord God's name in vain' by saying you are a Christian but not living or acting like Jesus would want you to act. When your time comes for Judgement you won't find yourself in a courtroom hoping to successfully flimflam a judge and jury like Trump as of 3.24.2024 is doing, and Trumpian stalling tactics won't help you either. YOUR ALIBIS AND EXCUSES AND DENIALS that might have worked just fine in life WILL NOT HELP YOU IN THE LEAST WHEN YOU ARE CALLED TO JUDGEMENT, capisce?


What does this mean? It means that you don''t have to actually be a formally convicted sex offender if you DESIRE to be one, or if you SUPPORT ONE. That's right, IF YOU SUPPORT A PSYCHOPATHIC MONSTER, HIS SINS BECOME YOUR SINS, AND YOU WILL BE JUDGED ON THAT FAIRLY AND APPROPRIATELY. As well as pretty fucking harshly, BECAUSE YOU KNEW BETTER. YOU KNOW that Trump's been convicted of sexual assault, and YOU KNOW that he BRAGGED ABOUT SEXUALLY ASSAULTING WOMEN, so YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE. And that's not even including the other 20+ women who've come forth with allegations of rape and other types of sexual assault, including one woman who filed a court complaint that Trump RAPED HER WHEN SHE WAS ONLY 13 YEARS OLD at one of Jeffrey Epstein's parties. And that's ANOTHER THING THAT YOU KNOW -- that Trump hung out with a NOTORIOUS PEDOPHILE RAPIST for YEARS. So when you make the moral mistake of supporting this CRIMINAL SEX OFFENDER, his crimes become YOUR CRIMES to answer for at Judgement! NO YOU ARE NOT SPARED JUST BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T ACTUALLY COMMIT TRUMP'S SEX CRIMES YOURSELF, YOU ARE FUCKING GUILTY OF THOSE CRIMES BY HAVING SUPPORTED THE PSYCHOPATHIC MONSTER WHO COMMITTED THEM. Again, your habitual excuses and alibis and attempts at legal hairsplitting will NOT save you during your own Judgement when you are GUILTY IN THE EYES OF GOD of helping to enable Trump in committing crimes and avoiding prosecution for them BY SUPPORTING HIM. THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE FOR YOU MAGAS, EACH AND EVERY OKAY-WITH-TRUMP'S-CRIMES ONE OF YOU.

It isn't just his sex crimes you will be taking on the responsibility for at your Judgement, of course, but ALL OF HIS OTHER ONES TOO. Like his NOXIOUS WHITE SUPREMACIST RACISM which you are often caught trying to help in covering up and even inventing excuses for the psychopathic monster. It will be YOU answering at YOUR JUDGEMENT as to why you helped to FOSTER and CONCEAL what YOU FUCKING KNEW FULL WELL TO BE TRUE OF THE MONSTER YOU SUPPORTED.

How much does God care about the MORAL CRIME of selling out your OWN FUCKING COUNTRY to a PSYCHOPATHIC MONSTER acting on behalf of America's greatest enemy, Vladimir Putin? Don't forget, your ASININE LYING DENIALS aren't going to save you on Judgement Day from the REALITIES you participated in and helped to foster! How much does God care about the MORAL CRIME of stealing your country's nuclear secrets and other national security information? Or the MORAL CRIME of INCITING AN INSURRECTION against your OWN FUCKING COUNTRY? Those crimes aren't specifically covered in the Ten Commandments or the Bible, BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE SUCH TREACHERY OKAY, either. I can't tell you what your penalties will be because I don't know, but I can very definitely tell you THAT YOU WILL FIND OUT, and it isn't likely to be pretty. The same will be true of Trump's OTHER crimes and atrocities. Does God send people to Hell for CHEATING ON EACH OF THEIR THREE SPOUSES and LYING ABOUT IT? Or HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH A PORN STAR WHILE MARRIED and LYING ABOUT IT? You KNOW FULL WELL Trump is guilty of THOSE MORAL CRIMES TOO, and therefore by continuing to support him YOU ARE JUST AS GUILTY AS HE IS. So you WILL FIND OUT HOW MUCH OF A TERRIBLE MISTAKE YOU MADE when YOU TOO are held responsible for EACH AND EVERY ONE OF TRUMP'S CRIMES at your Judgement.

THAT's the way the final Judgement of the value of your life works, Bubba. Because THAT JUDGEMENT WILL BE FAIR. I don't care if you believe me, I think every Trump supporter DESERVES to go to Hell anyway for KNOWINGLY supporting a psychopathic monster WHO STANDS AGAINST EVERY SINGLE VALUE JESUS CHRIST TRIED TO TEACH YOU TO STICK WITH! So go ahead, keep fucking around in your misplaced support of a CRIMINAL PSYCHOPATH and YOU WILL FIND OUT.

DON'T SAY YOU WEREN'T WARNED, either. Because none of your typical Maga denials or excuses are gonna work when GOD KNOWS EVERY THOUGHT AND INTENTION YOU EVER HAD IN YOUR WHOLE LIFE, and JUDGES you on the MOTIVES you thought and expressed during your brief time on Earth, where you were supposed to be BETTER than a psychopathic monster.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Batshit Crazy Qanon Indoctrination Video

This is what the Trumpian Fascist indoctrination into Qanon apparently looks like. It's a hodgepodge of pompous drivel in a combination of infantile poetry and ponderous script recitation that seems intentionally hypnotic in its monotone nature. There are nutbag appeals for biblical prophecies to be taken seriously and quite a long section that seems designed to make 'language fluid', presented as if what the initiate knows and understands through language should all be questioned, the answers found through obesiance to Q, as suggested by the end of the title of this awful video, clearly aimed at Trump's 'poorly educated' that he loves so much because they're so gullible. No doubt those kinds of dim mentalities imagine all this garbage to be esoteric and deep, explaining their Qult devotion to it.

Let me just explain one thing to Trump Qultists: Trump may indeed be the greatest con man who's ever lived, but that is all he is, feeding off you like a fat juicy parasite. The important thing you need to know is that con artists DO NOT RESPECT THEIR MARKS, and Trump thinks you're blithering idiots for believing his boldfaced lies. And that's perfectly okay with him.

Where We Go One, We Go All {{[[ RETURN OF Q !!! ]]}} Questions Answered

Monday, March 11, 2024

Canadian Biased Fascist Media report "Stop the insanity! Pro-Hamas demonstrators at Thornhill synagogue call for genocide of Jews"

Apparently this RebelNews site is a Canadian rightwing front for Steve Bannon-style Fascist agitation, who like ALL Fascists only covered ONE SIDE of this story!  This Comment was added to their page by guest writer "Lock Him Up!" on 3.11.2024.  Is it still there?  😎

[ Note 3.16.2024: this Comment is no longer visible on the propaganda site, looks like the account I posted with got blocked.  Which is pretty much as expected, since Fascists tolerate no dissent. ]


You call yourself 'Team civilization' while you've also labelled yourself 'Rebel news'?  


'Rebels' harken back to the American Confederacy which wanted to DEGRADE civilization by maintaining SLAVERY.  No two ways about it.  That's the image you've created for yourself with your chosen name -- racist drooling barbarians.

Now you want to condemn protestors you don't like because of their religion, just like any other Confederate-leaning BIGOTS.  Somehow you have LEFT OUT OF YOUR STORY how exactly the protestors were able to focus in on your bigoted 'reporters' as the hostile agents they had to be, right?  HOW DID THEY KNOW?  Too bad you weren't HONEST enough to report that in your story, but dishonesty is NORMAL from racist drooling barbarians.

If you want to talk about how much in favor you are of 'Civilization', you should grow a conscience and have some empathy for the tens of thousands of INNOCENT Gazans who have ALREADY been systematically murdered by the Fascist State of Israel under the Fascist command of Netanyahu.  And Netanyahu shows few signs of actually ending his GENOCIDE against the ones remaining, though we hear his LYING WORDS occasionally that he's considering it.  

This is not to diminish the guilt of the Hamas psychopaths who murdered over a thousand Israelis, but if you want to do REAL journalism you might ask WHY DID ISRAEL WAIT 8 HOURS TO MOUNT A MILITARY RESPONSE AGAINST THE HAMAS MURDER SPREE WHILE IT WAS GOING ON?  Aren't you aware that Israel had some intel that the attack was going to happen?  Aren't you aware that Israel CONSTANTLY MONITORS GAZA and it's crossing points into Israel, so that they KNOW when a bunch of armed Palestinians in trucks are invading Israel?  SOMETHING'S NOT RIGHT WITH THE ISRAELI STORY and as always the deception tracks back to some rightwing fucks somewhere trying to create a FALSE NARRATIVE which will justify the FASCIST ATROCITIES they want to do.  So how about trying some HONEST JOURNALISM for a change?


Stop the insanity! Pro-Hamas demonstrators at Thornhill synagogue call for genocide of Jews - Rebel News






Sunday, February 18, 2024

Tucker Carlson, Pimp For Putin

Special by Lock Him Up! 2.1.2024
Let's be clear: Tucker Carlson is in the position he is in because he has dedicated his life to being a professional LIAR. This episode of him cozying up to the brutal dictator Putin has been preceded by literally YEARS of him taking Putin's side of things, and yet here he is PRETENDING that he went to Moscow to learn what the psychopathic monster really wants and how he really thinks. WHAT UTTER BULLSHIT, and those that believe him are full of shit too. Full of Maga, full of hate, full of fear, full of all the LIES that Tucker Carlson and OTHER flying monkeys for Trump have BRAINWASHED them with. And here's WHY:

1) Putin swore an oath to destroy the United States in revenge for our role in the breakup of the former Soviet Union, which by the way is an important part of the reason for Putin's aggression against Ukraine -- he feels Ukraine should again be part of a Russian empire, specifically the one now led by himself. All of Putin's fabricated excuses or war like 'fighting Nazis' are just bullshit, as are his lying words about being willing to negotiate and seek peace. If Putin seriously wants peace in Ukraine, ALL HE HAS TO DO is withdraw his troops from there and send them back home. Including from Crimea and the other parts of Ukrainian territory he now occupies. AND THEN THE WAR WOULD BE OVER. But we don't see him doing anything even remotely resembling that, all we see from Putin is his continuing unprovoked aggression against Ukraine, murdering thousands of men, women, and children, maybe millions by now. There is NO QUESTION that Putin is a psychopathic monster without any scruples, without any morals, completely lacking in empathy and conscience and seeing other human beings as objects to be manipulated for his purposes, like ALL psychopaths. And Tucker Carlson is NOT SO STUPID as he PRETENDS to be because he KNOWS FULL WELL Putin's a soulless psychopath and Tucker's simply ANOTHER PSYCHOPATH HIMSELF who's looking to aggrandize himself among the psychopaths of the world who he feels HE can use for HIS purposes.

2) Putin's oath to destroy the United States took place under the circumstances of a LONG HISTORY of psyops by BOTH the US and Russia to infiltrate and undermine the other which date back to at least the early 1950's. Both sides have weaknesses which the other sides have done their best to take advantage of, and they take a LONG VIEW of their efforts SOMEDAY paying off. Both sides therefore have various kinds of MOLES and SPIES infiltrating each other's governments and industries for both information gathering and influencing purposes. Putin hit the jackpot with Trump, who he had been GROOMING since the 1980's, supporting Trump through his Russian oligarchs who've spent MILLIONS MORE on Trump's tacky gold-plated apartments than they were actually worth, promising Trump that he could build more of his tacky resorts and golf courses in Russia, and probably through other ways we haven't learned about yet because we've only seen the TIP OF THE ICEBERG of Trump's crimes so far.

3) Trump has AMPLY DEMONSTRATED his allegiance to Putin, most shamefully at the Helsinki conference where he publicly accepted Putin's OBVIOUS LIE that he didn't interfere in the 2016 election to help Trump, over the advice of America's own security agencies which know better and which had informed Trump of the truth. But Trump doesn't care about TRUTH and of course didn't want to expose the now-obvious FACT that he's WORKING FOR PUTIN TO DESTROY THE USA, so he STILL maintains 'Russia Russia Russia' and other lying trite slogans denying the fact he's working for Putin.

4) Putin's OTHER embedded moles and spies are STILL working to help Comrade Trumpsky destroy the USA, most obviously those in Congress who we see Pimping For Putin as well as those like Carlson and Hannity and Ingrahm and that disgusting alcoholic Pirro in the media along with less-well-known Russian assets at Newsmax and OAN etc. Also the NRA which has laundered MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in political donations from Russia to American traitors in Congress. IT'S NOT OVER AND THEY ARE NOT GIVING UP, as Putin is putting to use his moles and spies that he's cultivated in the USA for DECADES.

5) The SADDEST part of all is how SO MANY AMERICANS have been conned by Putin, Trump, and their flying monkeys! It SHOULD be obvious from the FACT that Putin was a Communist KGB agent with NO GOOD INTENTIONS TOWARD THE USA and the FACT that Putin STILL has TENS OF THOUSANDS OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AIMED AND READY TO FIRE AT THE USA that he's NOT OUR FRIEND, but Putin's propaganda has proven effective on the more dull-witted and least-educated Americans, chiefly because much of his propaganda now comes to us through his active agents LIKE Carlson, Trump, Hannity, and so forth. LET US HOPE that Jack Smith and/or other prosecutors will be OUTING ALL THE OTHER TRAITORS ALONG WITH TRUMP as he does his valuable work for our nation. Putin's Trump Qultists will probably go to their graves still believing his LIES, but they are in the minority and at least SOME of them are possibly still patriotic enough to see the light as the TRUTH of Trump's Russian collusion becomes exposed. 

Friday, February 2, 2024

Russell Brand Unrepentant as he Goes Down with Trumpy Fascism's Ship Of Denial

Special guest article by LockHimUp 

Russell you should have stuck to what you do well, standup comedy. Where you had a good rap and learned how to work a crowd. Your downfall began as you apparently became seduced by the forces of Trumpy Fascism and started pandering to their bigoted 'base' of fearful, ignorant, and gullible Trump Death Qultists. That got you a lot of clicks and Subscribes working the YouTube algorithm, you must have thought your pandering to Fascists was a winning formula but look what it got you. As you morphed from a pretty decent and even somewhat spiritual guy into a hateful rightwing fuck amplifying asinine and dangerous conspiracy theories, you didn't know where to stop. You still don't, to listen to all your whining and complaining about your imaginary 'deep state' persecutors instead of taking responsibility for your actions. But now you have really cooked your goose, totally discrediting yourself by allowing yourself to be used as a propaganda tool by this well-documented LIAR and DECEIVER Carlson, who OPENLY praises and takes the side of Vladimir Putin in his efforts to undermine and destroy the USA and Western democracy. It's over now, you're done and you've done it to yourself. You MIGHT be able to regain your senses and reverse course to salvage your reputation, but you've probably sucked down too much orange Kool-Aid like MOST of Trump's gullible fruitcake Magas who are too lost in their insanities to even recognize their cognitive errors, much less repudiate and fix them. 

Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Fall of Russell Brand

This fellow does an excellent job of deconstructing Brand's fall toward conspiracy-theorizing Fascism, far better than my own attempts to date but I have seen the changes described here.